
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2011
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
00020 License is subject to the License being interpreted in accordance with
00021 English Law and subject to any action against the University of Oxford
00022 being under the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025 along with Chaste. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
00027 */
00029 #include "CellBasedPdeHandler.hpp"
00030 #include "MeshBasedCellPopulationWithGhostNodes.hpp"
00031 #include "NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp"
00032 #include "BoundaryConditionsContainer.hpp"
00033 #include "SimpleLinearEllipticSolver.hpp"
00034 #include "CellBasedPdeSolver.hpp"
00035 #include "CellwiseData.hpp"
00036 #include "Exception.hpp"
00038 template<unsigned DIM>
00039 CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::CellBasedPdeHandler(AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>* pCellPopulation,
00040                                               bool deleteMemberPointersInDestructor)
00041     : mpCellPopulation(pCellPopulation),
00042       mWriteAverageRadialPdeSolution(false),
00043       mWriteDailyAverageRadialPdeSolution(false),
00044       mSetBcsOnCoarseBoundary(true),
00045       mNumRadialIntervals(UNSIGNED_UNSET),
00046       mpCoarsePdeMesh(NULL),
00047       mDeleteMemberPointersInDestructor(deleteMemberPointersInDestructor)
00048 {
00049     // We must be using a NodeBasedCellPopulation or MeshBasedCellPopulation, with at least one cell
00051     assert((dynamic_cast<NodeBasedCellPopulation<DIM>*>(mpCellPopulation) != NULL) || (dynamic_cast<MeshBasedCellPopulation<DIM>*>(mpCellPopulation) != NULL));
00052     assert(dynamic_cast<MeshBasedCellPopulationWithGhostNodes<DIM>*>(mpCellPopulation) == NULL);
00053     assert(mpCellPopulation->GetNumRealCells() != 0);
00054 }
00056 template<unsigned DIM>
00057 CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::~CellBasedPdeHandler()
00058 {
00059     /*
00060      * Avoid memory leaks. Note that we do not take responsibility for
00061      * deleting mpCellPopulation, as this object is usually owned by a
00062      * subclass of AbstractCellBasedSimulation, which deletes the cell
00063      * population upon destruction if restored from an archive.
00064      */
00065     if (mDeleteMemberPointersInDestructor)
00066     {
00067         for (unsigned i=0; i<mPdeAndBcCollection.size(); i++)
00068         {
00069             delete mPdeAndBcCollection[i];
00070         }
00071     }
00072     if (mpCoarsePdeMesh)
00073     {
00074         delete mpCoarsePdeMesh;
00075     }
00076 }
00078 template<unsigned DIM>
00079 const AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>* CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::GetCellPopulation() const
00080 {
00081     return mpCellPopulation;
00082 }
00084 template<unsigned DIM>
00085 TetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM>* CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::GetCoarsePdeMesh()
00086 {
00087     return mpCoarsePdeMesh;
00088 }
00090 template<unsigned DIM>
00091 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::AddPdeAndBc(PdeAndBoundaryConditions<DIM>* pPdeAndBc)
00092 {
00093     mPdeAndBcCollection.push_back(pPdeAndBc);
00094 }
00096 template<unsigned DIM>
00097 Vec CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::GetPdeSolution(unsigned pdeIndex)
00098 {
00099     assert(pdeIndex<mPdeAndBcCollection.size());
00100     return mPdeAndBcCollection[pdeIndex]->GetSolution();
00101 }
00103 template<unsigned DIM>
00104 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::InitialiseCellPdeElementMap()
00105 {
00106     if (mpCoarsePdeMesh == NULL)
00107     {
00108         EXCEPTION("InitialiseCellPdeElementMap() should only be called if mpCoarsePdeMesh is set up.");
00109     }
00111     mCellPdeElementMap.clear();
00113     // Find the element of mpCoarsePdeMesh that contains each cell and populate mCellPdeElementMap
00114     for (typename AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter = mpCellPopulation->Begin();
00115          cell_iter != mpCellPopulation->End();
00116          ++cell_iter)
00117     {
00118         const ChastePoint<DIM>& r_position_of_cell = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationOfCellCentre(*cell_iter);
00119         unsigned elem_index = mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetContainingElementIndex(r_position_of_cell);
00120         mCellPdeElementMap[*cell_iter] = elem_index;
00121     }
00122 }
00124 template<unsigned DIM>
00125 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::UpdateCellPdeElementMap()
00126 {
00127     // Find the element of mpCoarsePdeMesh that contains each cell and populate mCellPdeElementMap
00128     for (typename AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter = mpCellPopulation->Begin();
00129          cell_iter != mpCellPopulation->End();
00130          ++cell_iter)
00131     {
00132         const ChastePoint<DIM>& r_position_of_cell = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationOfCellCentre(*cell_iter);
00133         unsigned elem_index = mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetContainingElementIndexWithInitialGuess(r_position_of_cell, mCellPdeElementMap[*cell_iter]);
00134         mCellPdeElementMap[*cell_iter] = elem_index;
00135     }
00136 }
00138 template<unsigned DIM>
00139 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::OpenResultsFiles(std::string outputDirectory)
00140 {
00141     // If using a NodeBasedCellPopulation, mpCoarsePdeMesh must be set up
00142     if ((dynamic_cast<NodeBasedCellPopulation<DIM>*>(mpCellPopulation) != NULL) && mpCoarsePdeMesh==NULL)
00143     {
00144         EXCEPTION("Trying to solve a PDE on a NodeBasedCellPopulation without setting up a coarse mesh. Try calling UseCoarsePdeMesh().");
00145     }
00147     if (mpCoarsePdeMesh != NULL)
00148     {
00149         InitialiseCellPdeElementMap();
00151         // Write mesh to file
00152         TrianglesMeshWriter<DIM,DIM> mesh_writer(outputDirectory+"/coarse_mesh_output", "coarse_mesh",false);
00153         mesh_writer.WriteFilesUsingMesh(*mpCoarsePdeMesh);
00154     }
00156     if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
00157     {
00158         OutputFileHandler output_file_handler(outputDirectory+"/", false);
00160         if (mpCoarsePdeMesh != NULL)
00161         {
00162             mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile = output_file_handler.OpenOutputFile("results.vizcoarsepdesolution");
00163         }
00164         else
00165         {
00166             mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile = output_file_handler.OpenOutputFile("results.vizpdesolution");
00167         }
00169         if (mWriteAverageRadialPdeSolution)
00170         {
00171             mpAverageRadialPdeSolutionResultsFile = output_file_handler.OpenOutputFile("radial_dist.dat");
00172         }
00173     }
00175     double current_time = SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTime();
00176     WritePdeSolution(current_time);
00177 }
00179 template<unsigned DIM>
00180 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::CloseResultsFiles()
00181 {
00182     // Close results files
00183     if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
00184     {
00185         mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile->close();
00186         if (mWriteAverageRadialPdeSolution)
00187         {
00188             WriteAverageRadialPdeSolution(SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTime());
00189             mpAverageRadialPdeSolutionResultsFile->close();
00190         }
00191     }
00192 }
00194 template<unsigned DIM>
00195 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::UseCoarsePdeMesh(double stepSize, double meshWidth)
00196 {
00197     // If solving PDEs on a coarse mesh, each PDE must have an averaged source term
00198     if (mPdeAndBcCollection.empty())
00199     {
00200         EXCEPTION("mPdeAndBcCollection should be populated prior to calling UseCoarsePdeMesh().");
00201     }
00202     for (unsigned pde_index=0; pde_index<mPdeAndBcCollection.size(); pde_index++)
00203     {
00204         if (mPdeAndBcCollection[pde_index]->HasAveragedSourcePde() == false)
00205         {
00206             EXCEPTION("UseCoarsePdeMesh() should only be called if averaged-source PDEs are specified.");
00207         }
00208     }
00210     // Create a regular coarse tetrahedral mesh
00211     mpCoarsePdeMesh = new TetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM>;
00212     switch (DIM)
00213     {
00214         case 1:
00215             mpCoarsePdeMesh->ConstructRegularSlabMesh(stepSize, meshWidth);
00216             break;
00217         case 2:
00218             mpCoarsePdeMesh->ConstructRegularSlabMesh(stepSize, meshWidth, meshWidth);
00219             break;
00220         case 3:
00221             mpCoarsePdeMesh->ConstructRegularSlabMesh(stepSize, meshWidth, meshWidth, meshWidth);
00222             break;
00223         default:
00224             NEVER_REACHED;
00225     }
00227     // Find the centre of the coarse PDE mesh
00228     c_vector<double,DIM> centre_of_coarse_mesh = zero_vector<double>(DIM);
00229     for (unsigned i=0; i<mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetNumNodes(); i++)
00230     {
00231         centre_of_coarse_mesh += mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetNode(i)->rGetLocation();
00232     }
00233     centre_of_coarse_mesh /= mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetNumNodes();
00235     // Translate the centre of coarse PDE mesh to the centre of the cell population
00236     c_vector<double,DIM> centre_of_cell_population = mpCellPopulation->GetCentroidOfCellPopulation();
00237     mpCoarsePdeMesh->Translate(centre_of_cell_population - centre_of_coarse_mesh);
00238 }
00240 template<unsigned DIM>
00241 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::SolvePdeAndWriteResultsToFile(unsigned samplingTimestepMultiple)
00242 {
00243     // Record whether we are solving PDEs on a coarse mesh
00244     bool using_coarse_pde_mesh = (mpCoarsePdeMesh != NULL);
00246     // If solving PDEs on a coarse mesh, each PDE should have an averaged source term; otherwise none should
00247     assert(!mPdeAndBcCollection.empty());
00248     for (unsigned pde_index=0; pde_index<mPdeAndBcCollection.size(); pde_index++)
00249     {
00250         assert(mPdeAndBcCollection[pde_index]);
00251         assert(mPdeAndBcCollection[pde_index]->HasAveragedSourcePde() == using_coarse_pde_mesh);
00252     }
00254     // Clear CellwiseData
00255     CellwiseData<DIM>::Instance()->ReallocateMemory();
00257     // Make sure the cell population is in a nice state
00258     mpCellPopulation->Update();
00260     // Store a pointer to the (population-level or coarse) mesh
00261     TetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM>* p_mesh;
00262     if (using_coarse_pde_mesh)
00263     {
00264         p_mesh = mpCoarsePdeMesh;
00265     }
00266     else
00267     {
00268         // If not using a coarse PDE mesh, we must be using a MeshBasedCellPopulation
00269         p_mesh = &(static_cast<MeshBasedCellPopulation<DIM>*>(mpCellPopulation)->rGetMesh());
00270     }
00272     // Loop over elements of mPdeAndBcCollection
00273     for (unsigned pde_index=0; pde_index<mPdeAndBcCollection.size(); pde_index++)
00274     {
00275         // Get pointer to this PdeAndBoundaryConditions object
00276         PdeAndBoundaryConditions<DIM>* p_pde_and_bc = mPdeAndBcCollection[pde_index];
00278         // Set up boundary conditions
00279         AbstractBoundaryCondition<DIM>* p_bc = p_pde_and_bc->GetBoundaryCondition();
00280         BoundaryConditionsContainer<DIM,DIM,1> bcc(false);
00282         if (p_pde_and_bc->IsNeumannBoundaryCondition()) // this BC is of Neumann type
00283         {
00284             if (using_coarse_pde_mesh)
00285             {
00287                 EXCEPTION("Neumann BCs not yet implemented when using a coarse PDE mesh");
00288             }
00289             else
00290             {
00291                 for (typename TetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM>::BoundaryElementIterator elem_iter = p_mesh->GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin();
00292                      elem_iter != p_mesh->GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd();
00293                      ++elem_iter)
00294                 {
00295                     bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*elem_iter, p_bc);
00296                 }
00297             }
00298         }
00299         else // assume that if the BC is of Neumann type, then it is Dirichlet
00300         {
00301             if (using_coarse_pde_mesh && !mSetBcsOnCoarseBoundary)
00302             {
00303                 // Get the set of coarse element indices that contain cells
00304                 std::set<unsigned> coarse_element_indices_in_map;
00305                 for (typename AbstractCentreBasedCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter = mpCellPopulation->Begin();
00306                      cell_iter != mpCellPopulation->End();
00307                      ++cell_iter)
00308                 {
00309                     coarse_element_indices_in_map.insert(mCellPdeElementMap[*cell_iter]);
00310                 }
00312                 // Find the node indices associated with elements whose indices are NOT in the set coarse_element_indices_in_map
00313                 std::set<unsigned> coarse_mesh_boundary_node_indices;
00314                 for (unsigned i=0; i<p_mesh->GetNumElements(); i++)
00315                 {
00316                     if (coarse_element_indices_in_map.find(i) == coarse_element_indices_in_map.end())
00317                     {
00318                         Element<DIM,DIM>* p_element = p_mesh->GetElement(i);
00319                         for (unsigned j=0; j<DIM+1; j++)
00320                         {
00321                             unsigned node_index = p_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex(j);
00322                             coarse_mesh_boundary_node_indices.insert(node_index);
00323                         }
00324                     }
00325                 }
00327                 // Apply boundary condition to the nodes in the set coarse_mesh_boundary_node_indices
00328                 for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator iter = coarse_mesh_boundary_node_indices.begin();
00329                      iter != coarse_mesh_boundary_node_indices.end();
00330                      ++iter)
00331                 {
00332                     bcc.AddDirichletBoundaryCondition(p_mesh->GetNode(*iter), p_bc, 0, false);
00333                 }
00334             }
00335             else // apply BC at boundary nodes of (population-level or coarse) mesh
00336             {
00337                 for (typename TetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM>::BoundaryNodeIterator node_iter = p_mesh->GetBoundaryNodeIteratorBegin();
00338                      node_iter != p_mesh->GetBoundaryNodeIteratorEnd();
00339                      ++node_iter)
00340                 {
00341                     bcc.AddDirichletBoundaryCondition(*node_iter, p_bc);
00342                 }
00343             }
00344         }
00346         // If the solution at the previous timestep exists...
00347         PetscInt previous_solution_size = 0;
00348         if (p_pde_and_bc->GetSolution())
00349         {
00350             VecGetSize(p_pde_and_bc->GetSolution(), &previous_solution_size);
00351         }
00353         // ...then record whether it is the correct size...
00354         bool is_previous_solution_size_correct = (previous_solution_size == (int)p_mesh->GetNumNodes());
00356         // ...and if it is, store it as an initial guess for the PDE solver
00357         Vec initial_guess;
00358         if (is_previous_solution_size_correct)
00359         {
00360             // This Vec is copied by the solver's Solve() method, so must be deleted here too
00361             VecDuplicate(p_pde_and_bc->GetSolution(), &initial_guess);
00362             VecCopy(p_pde_and_bc->GetSolution(), initial_guess);
00363             p_pde_and_bc->DestroySolution();
00364         }
00365         else
00366         {
00368             if (!using_coarse_pde_mesh && p_pde_and_bc->GetSolution())
00369             {
00370                 assert(previous_solution_size != 0);
00371                 p_pde_and_bc->DestroySolution();
00372             }
00373         }
00375         // Create a PDE solver and solve the PDE on the (population-level or coarse) mesh
00376         if (using_coarse_pde_mesh)
00377         {
00378             // When using a coarse PDE mesh, we must set up the source terms before solving the PDE.
00379             // pass in mCellPdeElementMap to speed up finding cells.
00380             this->UpdateCellPdeElementMap();
00381             p_pde_and_bc->SetUpSourceTermsForAveragedSourcePde(p_mesh, &mCellPdeElementMap);
00383             SimpleLinearEllipticSolver<DIM,DIM> solver(p_mesh, p_pde_and_bc->GetPde(), &bcc);
00385             // If we have an initial guess, use this when solving the system...
00386             if (is_previous_solution_size_correct)
00387             {
00388                 p_pde_and_bc->SetSolution(solver.Solve(initial_guess));
00389                 VecDestroy(initial_guess);
00390             }
00391             else // ...otherwise do not supply one
00392             {
00393                 p_pde_and_bc->SetSolution(solver.Solve());
00394             }
00395         }
00396         else
00397         {
00398             CellBasedPdeSolver<DIM> solver(p_mesh, p_pde_and_bc->GetPde(), &bcc);
00400             // If we have an initial guess, use this...
00401             if (is_previous_solution_size_correct)
00402             {
00403                 p_pde_and_bc->SetSolution(solver.Solve(initial_guess));
00404                 VecDestroy(initial_guess);
00405             }
00406             else // ...otherwise do not supply one
00407             {
00408                 p_pde_and_bc->SetSolution(solver.Solve());
00409             }
00410         }
00412         // Store the PDE solution in an accessible form
00413         ReplicatableVector solution_repl(p_pde_and_bc->GetSolution());
00415         // Having solved the PDE, now update CellwiseData
00416         for (typename AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter = mpCellPopulation->Begin();
00417              cell_iter != mpCellPopulation->End();
00418              ++cell_iter)
00419         {
00420             unsigned node_index = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationIndexUsingCell(*cell_iter);
00421             double solution_at_node = 0.0;
00423             if (using_coarse_pde_mesh)
00424             {
00425                 // When using a coarse PDE mesh, the cells are not nodes of the mesh, so we must interpolate
00427                 // Find the element in the coarse mesh that contains this cell. CellElementMap has been updated so use this.
00428                 unsigned elem_index = mCellPdeElementMap[*cell_iter];
00429                 Element<DIM,DIM>* p_element = mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetElement(elem_index);
00431                 const ChastePoint<DIM>& node_location = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationOfCellCentre(*cell_iter);
00433                 c_vector<double,DIM+1> weights = p_element->CalculateInterpolationWeights(node_location);
00434                 for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM+1; i++)
00435                 {
00436                     double nodal_value = solution_repl[p_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex(i)];
00437                     solution_at_node += nodal_value * weights(i);
00438                 }
00439             }
00440             else
00441             {
00442                 solution_at_node = solution_repl[node_index];
00443             }
00445             CellwiseData<DIM>::Instance()->SetValue(solution_at_node, node_index, pde_index);
00446         }
00447     }
00449     // Write results to file if required
00450     SimulationTime* p_time = SimulationTime::Instance();
00451     double time_next_step = p_time->GetTime() + p_time->GetTimeStep();
00452     if ((p_time->GetTimeStepsElapsed()+1)%samplingTimestepMultiple == 0)
00453     {
00454         WritePdeSolution(time_next_step);
00455     }
00457 #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00459     if (!using_coarse_pde_mesh)
00460     {
00461         if (mWriteDailyAverageRadialPdeSolution)
00462         {
00464             SimulationTime* p_time = SimulationTime::Instance();
00465             double time_next_step = p_time->GetTime() + p_time->GetTimeStep();
00466             unsigned num_timesteps_per_day = (unsigned) (DBL_EPSILON + 24/SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTimeStep());
00467             if ((p_time->GetTimeStepsElapsed()+1) % num_timesteps_per_day == 0)
00468             {
00469                 WriteAverageRadialPdeSolution(time_next_step);
00470             }
00471         }
00472     }
00473 #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00474 }
00476 template<unsigned DIM>
00477 unsigned CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::FindCoarseElementContainingCell(CellPtr pCell)
00478 {
00479     // Get containing element at last timestep from mCellPdeElementMap
00480     unsigned old_element_index = mCellPdeElementMap[pCell];
00482     // Create a std::set of guesses for the current containing element
00483     std::set<unsigned> test_elements;
00484     test_elements.insert(old_element_index);
00486     Element<DIM,DIM>* p_element = mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetElement(old_element_index);
00487     for (unsigned local_index=0; local_index<DIM+1; local_index++)
00488     {
00489         std::set<unsigned> element_indices = p_element->GetNode(local_index)->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00490         for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator iter = element_indices.begin();
00491              iter != element_indices.end();
00492              ++iter)
00493         {
00494             test_elements.insert(*iter);
00495         }
00496     }
00498     // Find new element, using the previous one as a guess
00499     const ChastePoint<DIM>& r_cell_position = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationOfCellCentre(pCell);
00500     unsigned new_element_index = mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetContainingElementIndex(r_cell_position, false, test_elements);
00502     // Update mCellPdeElementMap
00503     mCellPdeElementMap[pCell] = new_element_index;
00505     return new_element_index;
00506 }
00508 template<unsigned DIM>
00509 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::WritePdeSolution(double time)
00510 {
00511     if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
00512     {
00513         (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << time << "\t";
00515         for (unsigned pde_index=0; pde_index<mPdeAndBcCollection.size(); pde_index++)
00516         {
00517             if (mpCoarsePdeMesh != NULL)
00518             {
00519                 PdeAndBoundaryConditions<DIM>* p_pde_and_bc = mPdeAndBcCollection[pde_index];
00521                 for (unsigned i=0; i<mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetNumNodes(); i++)
00522                 {
00523                     (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << i << " ";
00524                     c_vector<double,DIM> location = mpCoarsePdeMesh->GetNode(i)->rGetLocation();
00525                     for (unsigned k=0; k<DIM; k++)
00526                     {
00527                         (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << location[k] << " ";
00528                     }
00530                     if (p_pde_and_bc->GetSolution())
00531                     {
00532                         ReplicatableVector solution_repl(p_pde_and_bc->GetSolution());
00533                         (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << solution_repl[i] << " ";
00534                     }
00535                     else
00536                     {
00539                         // Find the nearest cell to this coarse mesh node
00540                         unsigned nearest_node_index = 0;
00541                         double nearest_node_distance = DBL_MAX;
00542                         for (typename AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter = mpCellPopulation->Begin();
00543                              cell_iter != mpCellPopulation->End();
00544                              ++cell_iter)
00545                         {
00546                             c_vector<double, DIM> node_location = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationOfCellCentre(*cell_iter);
00547                             if (norm_2(node_location - location) < nearest_node_distance)
00548                             {
00549                                 nearest_node_index = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationIndexUsingCell(*cell_iter);
00550                             }
00551                         }
00553                         CellPtr p_cell = mpCellPopulation->GetCellUsingLocationIndex(nearest_node_index);
00554                         double solution = CellwiseData<DIM>::Instance()->GetValue(p_cell, pde_index);
00555                         (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << solution << " ";
00556                     }
00557                 }
00558             }
00559             else
00560             {
00561                 for (typename AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter = mpCellPopulation->Begin();
00562                      cell_iter != mpCellPopulation->End();
00563                      ++cell_iter)
00564                 {
00565                     unsigned node_index = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationIndexUsingCell(*cell_iter);
00566                     (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << node_index << " ";
00567                     const c_vector<double,DIM>& position = mpCellPopulation->GetLocationOfCellCentre(*cell_iter);
00568                     for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
00569                     {
00570                         (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << position[i] << " ";
00571                     }
00572                     double solution = CellwiseData<DIM>::Instance()->GetValue(*cell_iter, pde_index);
00573                     (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << solution << " ";
00574                 }
00575             }
00576         }
00577         (*mpVizPdeSolutionResultsFile) << "\n";
00578     }
00579 }
00581 template<unsigned DIM>
00582 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::SetWriteAverageRadialPdeSolution(unsigned numRadialIntervals, bool writeDailyResults)
00583 {
00584     mWriteAverageRadialPdeSolution = true;
00585     mNumRadialIntervals = numRadialIntervals;
00586     mWriteDailyAverageRadialPdeSolution = writeDailyResults;
00587 }
00589 template<unsigned DIM>
00590 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::SetImposeBcsOnCoarseBoundary(bool setBcsOnCoarseBoundary)
00591 {
00592     mSetBcsOnCoarseBoundary = setBcsOnCoarseBoundary;
00593 }
00595 template<unsigned DIM>
00596 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::WriteAverageRadialPdeSolution(double time)
00597 {
00598     (*mpAverageRadialPdeSolutionResultsFile) << time << " ";
00600     // Calculate the centre of the cell population
00601     c_vector<double,DIM> centre = mpCellPopulation->GetCentroidOfCellPopulation();
00603     // Calculate the distance between each node and the centre of the cell population, as well as the maximum of these
00604     std::map<double, CellPtr> radius_cell_map;
00605     double max_distance_from_centre = 0.0;
00606     for (typename AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter = mpCellPopulation->Begin();
00607          cell_iter != mpCellPopulation->End();
00608          ++cell_iter)
00609     {
00610         double distance = norm_2(mpCellPopulation->GetLocationOfCellCentre(*cell_iter) - centre);
00611         radius_cell_map[distance] = *cell_iter;
00613         if (distance > max_distance_from_centre)
00614         {
00615             max_distance_from_centre = distance;
00616         }
00617     }
00619     // Create vector of radius intervals
00620     std::vector<double> radius_intervals;
00621     for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumRadialIntervals; i++)
00622     {
00623         double upper_radius = max_distance_from_centre*((double) i+1)/((double) mNumRadialIntervals);
00624         radius_intervals.push_back(upper_radius);
00625     }
00627     // Calculate PDE solution in each radial interval
00628     double lower_radius = 0.0;
00629     for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumRadialIntervals; i++)
00630     {
00631         unsigned counter = 0;
00632         double average_solution = 0.0;
00634         for (std::map<double, CellPtr>::iterator iter = radius_cell_map.begin(); iter != radius_cell_map.end(); ++iter)
00635         {
00636             if (iter->first > lower_radius && iter->first <= radius_intervals[i])
00637             {
00638                 average_solution += CellwiseData<DIM>::Instance()->GetValue(iter->second);
00639                 counter++;
00640             }
00641         }
00642         if (counter != 0)
00643         {
00644             average_solution /= (double) counter;
00645         }
00647         // Write results to file
00648         (*mpAverageRadialPdeSolutionResultsFile) << radius_intervals[i] << " " << average_solution << " ";
00649         lower_radius = radius_intervals[i];
00650     }
00651     (*mpAverageRadialPdeSolutionResultsFile) << "\n";
00652 }
00654 template<unsigned DIM>
00655 bool CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::GetWriteAverageRadialPdeSolution()
00656 {
00657     return mWriteAverageRadialPdeSolution;
00658 }
00660 template<unsigned DIM>
00661 bool CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::GetWriteDailyAverageRadialPdeSolution()
00662 {
00663     return mWriteDailyAverageRadialPdeSolution;
00664 }
00666 template<unsigned DIM>
00667 bool CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::GetImposeBcsOnCoarseBoundary()
00668 {
00669     return mSetBcsOnCoarseBoundary;
00670 }
00672 template<unsigned DIM>
00673 unsigned CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::GetNumRadialIntervals()
00674 {
00675     return mNumRadialIntervals;
00676 }
00678 template<unsigned DIM>
00679 void CellBasedPdeHandler<DIM>::OutputParameters(out_stream& rParamsFile)
00680 {
00681     std::string type = GetIdentifier();
00683     *rParamsFile << "\t\t<" << type << ">\n";
00684     *rParamsFile << "\t\t<WriteAverageRadialPdeSolution>" << mWriteAverageRadialPdeSolution << "</WriteAverageRadialPdeSolution>\n";
00685     *rParamsFile << "\t\t<WriteDailyAverageRadialPdeSolution>" << mWriteDailyAverageRadialPdeSolution << "</WriteDailyAverageRadialPdeSolution>\n";
00686     *rParamsFile << "\t\t<SetBcsOnCoarseBoundary>" << mSetBcsOnCoarseBoundary << "</SetBcsOnCoarseBoundary>\n";
00687     *rParamsFile << "\t\t<NumRadialIntervals>" << mNumRadialIntervals << "</NumRadialIntervals>\n";
00688     *rParamsFile << "\t\t</" << type << ">\n";
00689 }
00691 // Serialization for Boost >= 1.36
00692 #include "SerializationExportWrapperForCpp.hpp"
00696 // Explicit instantiation
00699 template class CellBasedPdeHandler<1>;
00700 template class CellBasedPdeHandler<2>;
00701 template class CellBasedPdeHandler<3>;
Generated on Thu Dec 22 13:00:05 2011 for Chaste by  doxygen 1.6.3