
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2011
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
00020 License is subject to the License being interpreted in accordance with
00021 English Law and subject to any action against the University of Oxford
00022 being under the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025 along with Chaste. If not, see <>.
00027 */
00029 #include "AdvectionCaUpdateRule.hpp"
00030 #include "Exception.hpp"
00031 #include "RandomNumberGenerator.hpp"
00033 template<unsigned DIM>
00034 AdvectionCaUpdateRule<DIM>::AdvectionCaUpdateRule(unsigned advectionDirection, double advectionSpeed)
00035     : AbstractCaUpdateRule<DIM>(),
00036       mAdvectionDirection(advectionDirection),
00037       mAdvectionSpeed(advectionSpeed)
00038 {
00039 }
00041 template<unsigned DIM>
00042 AdvectionCaUpdateRule<DIM>::AdvectionCaUpdateRule()
00043     : AbstractCaUpdateRule<DIM>()
00044 {
00045 }
00047 template<unsigned DIM>
00048 AdvectionCaUpdateRule<DIM>::~AdvectionCaUpdateRule()
00049 {
00050 }
00057 template<unsigned DIM>
00058 unsigned AdvectionCaUpdateRule<DIM>::GetNewLocationOfCell(unsigned currentLocationIndex,
00059                                                         CaBasedCellPopulation<DIM>& rCellPopulation,
00060                                                         double dt)
00061 {
00062     // This method only works in 2D at present
00063     assert(DIM == 2);
00065     // Make sure we have a cell at this node
00066     if (rCellPopulation.IsEmptySite(currentLocationIndex))
00067     {
00068         EXCEPTION("There is no cell at the current location.");
00069     }
00071     double probability_of_moving = dt*mAdvectionSpeed;
00073     unsigned new_location_index = currentLocationIndex;
00075     if (RandomNumberGenerator::Instance()->ranf() < probability_of_moving)
00076     {
00077         unsigned flow_induced_new_index = currentLocationIndex;
00078         double width = rCellPopulation.rGetMesh().GetWidth(0);
00079         unsigned nodes_across = (unsigned)width + 1;
00080         double height = rCellPopulation.rGetMesh().GetWidth(1);
00081         unsigned nodes_up = (unsigned)height + 1;
00083         // Work out whether this node lies on any edge of the mesh
00084         bool on_south_edge = (currentLocationIndex < nodes_across);
00085         bool on_north_edge = (currentLocationIndex > nodes_up*(nodes_across - 1)-1);
00086         bool on_west_edge = (currentLocationIndex%nodes_across == 0);
00087         bool on_east_edge = (currentLocationIndex%nodes_across == nodes_across - 1);
00089         switch (mAdvectionDirection)
00090         {
00091             case 0:
00092             {
00093                 if (!on_north_edge)
00094                 {
00095                     flow_induced_new_index += nodes_across;
00096                 }
00097                 break;
00098             }
00099             case 1:
00100             {
00101                 if (!on_north_edge && !on_west_edge)
00102                 {
00103                     flow_induced_new_index += nodes_across - 1;
00104                 }
00105                 break;
00106             }
00107             case 2:
00108             {
00109                 if (!on_west_edge)
00110                 {
00111                     flow_induced_new_index -= 1;
00112                 }
00113                 break;
00114             }
00115             case 3:
00116             {
00117                 if (!on_south_edge && !on_west_edge)
00118                 {
00119                     flow_induced_new_index -= nodes_across + 1;
00120                 }
00121                 break;
00122             }
00123             case 4:
00124             {
00125                 if (!on_south_edge)
00126                 {
00127                     flow_induced_new_index -= nodes_across;
00128                 }
00129                 break;
00130             }
00131             case 5:
00132             {
00133                 if (!on_south_edge && !on_east_edge)
00134                 {
00135                     flow_induced_new_index -= nodes_across - 1;
00136                 }
00137                 break;
00138             }
00139             case 6:
00140             {
00141                 if (!on_east_edge)
00142                 {
00143                     flow_induced_new_index += 1;
00144                 }
00145                 break;
00146             }
00147             case 7:
00148             {
00149                 if (!on_north_edge && !on_east_edge)
00150                 {
00151                     flow_induced_new_index += nodes_across + 1;
00152                 }
00153                 break;
00154             }
00155             default:
00156                 NEVER_REACHED;
00157         }
00159         if (rCellPopulation.IsEmptySite(flow_induced_new_index))
00160         {
00161             new_location_index = flow_induced_new_index;
00162         }
00163     }
00164     return new_location_index;
00165 }
00167 template<unsigned DIM>
00168 unsigned AdvectionCaUpdateRule<DIM>::GetAdvectionDirection()
00169 {
00170     return mAdvectionDirection;
00171 }
00173 template<unsigned DIM>
00174 double AdvectionCaUpdateRule<DIM>::GetAdvectionSpeed()
00175 {
00176     return mAdvectionSpeed;
00177 }
00179 template<unsigned DIM>
00180 void AdvectionCaUpdateRule<DIM>::OutputUpdateRuleParameters(out_stream& rParamsFile)
00181 {
00182     *rParamsFile << "\t\t\t<AdvectionDirection>" << mAdvectionDirection << "</AdvectionDirection>\n";
00183     *rParamsFile << "\t\t\t<AdvectionSpeed>" << mAdvectionSpeed << "</AdvectionSpeed>\n";
00185     // Call method on direct parent class
00186     AbstractCaUpdateRule<DIM>::OutputUpdateRuleParameters(rParamsFile);
00187 }
00190 // Explicit instantiation
00193 template class AdvectionCaUpdateRule<1>;
00194 template class AdvectionCaUpdateRule<2>;
00195 template class AdvectionCaUpdateRule<3>;
00197 // Serialization for Boost >= 1.36
00198 #include "SerializationExportWrapperForCpp.hpp"
Generated on Thu Dec 22 13:00:05 2011 for Chaste by  doxygen 1.6.3