ChasteLungImpedance_v1_64bit.tgz: A demonstration AirPROM standalone executable meshalyzer:Meshalyzer

The Meshalyzer manual is also available from the Chaste developers' wiki.

libs:Optional library dependencies cardioelse:CardioELSE

The CardioELSE code is based on a spectral-element technique developed to solve the bidomain equations on unstructured all hexahedral grids. It is aimed at identifying advantages and drawbacks of spectral elements with respect to traditional finite elements, in terms of flexibility (capability to deal with realistic 3D heart models), accuracy and performance (execution-time and memory allocation). It is thus not as flexible or general purpose as Chaste.

CardioELSE was developed by a team mainly from the Bioinformatics Laboratory at CRS4, funded as part of the preDiCT FP7 project, and is released under the LGPL 3.0 licence as "citeware". The following references are appropriate: