OxfordRabbitMRData.tar.gz:Raw high-resolution MR data set of rabbit heart (2048 x 1024x1024 tif files). See Bishop et al. "Development of an anatomically detailed MRI-derived rabbit ventricular model..." (Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2010) MidOxfordRabbitHeartPurkinjeNoBath.tgz:Mid-resolution rabbit ventricular tetrahedral mesh incorporating specialized conduction system (without perfusing bath). See Bordas et al. "Rabbit-Specific Ventricular Model of Cardiac Electrophysiological Function including Specialized Conduction System." (Prog Biophys Mol Bio, 2011). MidOxfordRabbitHeartPurkinjeBath.tgz:Mid-resolution rabbit ventricular tetrahedral mesh incorporating specialized conduction system (with perfusing bath). See Bordas et al. "Rabbit-Specific Ventricular Model of Cardiac Electrophysiological Function including Specialized Conduction System." (Prog Biophys Mol Bio, 2011).