SolvingNonlinearPdes tutorial file

This tutorial is automatically generated from the file trunk/pde/test/TestSolvingNonlinearPdesTutorial.hpp at revision r4949. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.

An example showing how to solve a nonlinear elliptic PDE. Also includes function-based boundary conditions

In this tutorial we show how Chaste can be used to solve a nonlinear elliptic PDEs. We will solve the PDE div.(u grad u) + 1 = 0, on a square domain, with boundary conditions u=0 on y=0; and Neumann boundary conditions: (u grad u).n = 0 on x=0 and x=1; and (u grad u).n = y on y=1.

For nonlinear PDEs, the finite element equations are of the form F(U)=0, where U=(U1 , ... , UN) is a vector of the unknowns at each node, and F some non-linear vector valued function. To solve this, a nonlinear solver is required. Chaste can solve this with Newton's method, or (default) Petsc's nonlinear solvers. Solvers of such nonlinear problems usually require the Jacobian of the problem, ie the matrix A = dF/dU, or at least an approximation of the Jacobian.

The following header files need to be included, as in the linear PDEs tutorial

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "UblasCustomFunctions.hpp"
#include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp"
#include "TetrahedralMesh.hpp"
#include "BoundaryConditionsContainer.hpp"
#include "ConstBoundaryCondition.hpp"
#include "OutputFileHandler.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"

This is the assembler for nonlinear elliptic PDEs

#include "SimpleNonlinearEllipticAssembler.hpp"

In this test we also show how to define Neumman boundary conditions which depend on spatial location, for which the following class is needed

#include "FunctionalBoundaryCondition.hpp"

We will choose to use the Chaste newton solver rather than Petsc's nonlinear solver

#include "SimpleNewtonNonlinearSolver.hpp"

As in the linear PDEs tutorial, we have to define the PDE class we want to solve (assuming one has not already been created). Nonlinear elliptic PDEs should inherit from AbstractNonlinearEllipticPde, which has five pure methods which have to be implemented in this concrete class. Here, we define the PDE div.(u grad u) + 1 = 0.

class MyNonlinearPde : public AbstractNonlinearEllipticPde<2>

The first is the part of the source term that is independent of u

    double ComputeLinearSourceTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& rX)
        return 1.0;

The first is the part of the source term that is dependent on u

    double ComputeNonlinearSourceTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& rX, double u)
        return 0.0;

The third is the diffusion tensor, which unlike the linear case, can be dependent on u

    c_matrix<double,2,2> ComputeDiffusionTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& rX, double u)
        return identity_matrix<double>(2)*u;

We also need to provide the derivatives with respect to u of the last two methods, so that the Jacobian matrix can be assembled. The derivative of the nonlinear source term is

    double ComputeNonlinearSourceTermPrime(const ChastePoint<2>& , double )
        return 0.0;

And the derivative of the diffusion tensor is just the identity matrix

    c_matrix<double,2,2> ComputeDiffusionTermPrime(const ChastePoint<2>& rX, double u)
        return identity_matrix<double>(2);

We also need to define a (global) function that we become the Neumman boundary conditions, via the FunctionalBoundaryCondition class (see below). This function is f(x,y) = y

double MyNeummanFunction(const ChastePoint<2>& rX)
    return rX[1];

Next, we define the test suite, as before

class TestSolvingNonlinearPdesTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite

Define a particular test. Note the throw(Exception) at the end of the declaration. This causes Exception messages to be printed out if an Exception is thrown, rather than just getting the message "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Exception' "

    void TestSolvingNonlinearEllipticPde() throw(Exception)

As usual, first create a mesh

        TrianglesMeshReader<2,2> mesh_reader("mesh/test/data/square_128_elements");
        TetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh;

Next, instantiate the PDE to be solved

        MyNonlinearPde pde;

Then we have to define the boundary conditions. First, the Dirichlet boundary condition, u=0 on x=0, using the boundary node iterator

        BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,1> bcc;
        ConstBoundaryCondition<2>* p_zero_bc = new ConstBoundaryCondition<2>(0.0);
        for( TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryNodeIterator node_iter = mesh.GetBoundaryNodeIteratorBegin();
             node_iter != mesh.GetBoundaryNodeIteratorEnd();
            if (fabs((*node_iter)->GetPoint()[1]) < 1e-12)
                bcc.AddDirichletBoundaryCondition(*node_iter, p_zero_bc);

And then the Neumman conditions. Neumann boundary condition are defined on surface elements, and for this problem, the Neumman boundary value depends on the position in space, so we make use of the FunctionalBoundaryCondition object, which contains a pointer to a function, and just returns the value of that function for the required point when the GetValue method is called.

        FunctionalBoundaryCondition<2>* p_functional_bc
          = new FunctionalBoundaryCondition<2>( &MyNeummanFunction );

Next, loop over surface elements

        for( TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryElementIterator elt_iter = mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin();
             elt_iter != mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd();
             elt_iter++ )

Get the y value of any node (here, the zero-th)

            double y = (*elt_iter)->GetNodeLocation(0,1);

If y=1..

            if (fabs(y-1.0) < 1e-12)

.. then associate the functional boundary condition, (Dgradu).n = y, with the surface element

                bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*elt_iter, p_functional_bc);

else associate the zero boundary condition (ie zero flux) with this element

                bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*elt_iter, p_zero_bc);

Note that in the above loop, the zero Neumman boundary condition was applied to all surface elements for which y!=1, which included the Dirichlet surface y=0. This is OK, as Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied to the finite element matrix after Neumman boundary conditions, where the appropriate rows in the matrix are overwritten

This is the assembler for solving nonlinear problems, which, as usual, takes in the mesh, the PDE, and the boundary conditions

        SimpleNonlinearEllipticAssembler<2,2> assembler(&mesh, &pde, &bcc);

The assembler also needs to be given an initial guess, which will be a Petsc vector. We can make use of a helper method to create it. (We could also have used the PetscTools class as in the previous tutorial)

        Vec initial_guess = assembler.CreateConstantInitialGuess(0.25);

Optional: To use Chaste's Newton solver to solve nonlinear vector equations that are assembled, rather than the default Petsc nonlinear solvers, we can do the following:

        SimpleNewtonNonlinearSolver newton_solver;

Optional: We can also manually set tolerances, and whether to print statistics, with this nonlinear vector equation solver


Now call Solve, passing in the initial guess

        Vec answer = assembler.Solve(initial_guess);

Note that we could have got the assembler to not use an analytical Jacobian and use a numerically-calculated Jacobian instead, by passing in false as a second parameter

        //Vec answer = assembler.Solve(initial_guess, false);

Once solved, we can check the obtained solution against the analytical solution

        ReplicatableVector answer_repl(answer);
        for (unsigned i=0; i<answer_repl.size(); i++)
            double y = mesh.GetNode(i)->GetPoint()[1];
            double exact_u = sqrt(y*(4-y));
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(answer_repl[i], exact_u, 0.15);

Finally, we have to remember to destroy the Petsc Vecs



The full code is given below

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "UblasCustomFunctions.hpp"
#include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp"
#include "TetrahedralMesh.hpp"
#include "BoundaryConditionsContainer.hpp"
#include "ConstBoundaryCondition.hpp"
#include "OutputFileHandler.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "SimpleNonlinearEllipticAssembler.hpp"
#include "FunctionalBoundaryCondition.hpp"
#include "SimpleNewtonNonlinearSolver.hpp"

class MyNonlinearPde : public AbstractNonlinearEllipticPde<2>
    double ComputeLinearSourceTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& rX)
        return 1.0;

    double ComputeNonlinearSourceTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& rX, double u)
        return 0.0;

    c_matrix<double,2,2> ComputeDiffusionTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& rX, double u)
        return identity_matrix<double>(2)*u;

    double ComputeNonlinearSourceTermPrime(const ChastePoint<2>& , double )
        return 0.0;

    c_matrix<double,2,2> ComputeDiffusionTermPrime(const ChastePoint<2>& rX, double u)
        return identity_matrix<double>(2);

double MyNeummanFunction(const ChastePoint<2>& rX)
    return rX[1];

class TestSolvingNonlinearPdesTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite
    void TestSolvingNonlinearEllipticPde() throw(Exception)
        TrianglesMeshReader<2,2> mesh_reader("mesh/test/data/square_128_elements");
        TetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh;

        MyNonlinearPde pde;

        BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,1> bcc;
        ConstBoundaryCondition<2>* p_zero_bc = new ConstBoundaryCondition<2>(0.0);
        for( TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryNodeIterator node_iter = mesh.GetBoundaryNodeIteratorBegin();
             node_iter != mesh.GetBoundaryNodeIteratorEnd();
            if (fabs((*node_iter)->GetPoint()[1]) < 1e-12)
                bcc.AddDirichletBoundaryCondition(*node_iter, p_zero_bc);

        FunctionalBoundaryCondition<2>* p_functional_bc
          = new FunctionalBoundaryCondition<2>( &MyNeummanFunction );
        for( TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryElementIterator elt_iter = mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin();
             elt_iter != mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd();
             elt_iter++ )
            double y = (*elt_iter)->GetNodeLocation(0,1);
            if (fabs(y-1.0) < 1e-12)
                bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*elt_iter, p_functional_bc);
                bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*elt_iter, p_zero_bc);
        SimpleNonlinearEllipticAssembler<2,2> assembler(&mesh, &pde, &bcc);

        Vec initial_guess = assembler.CreateConstantInitialGuess(0.25);

        SimpleNewtonNonlinearSolver newton_solver;

        Vec answer = assembler.Solve(initial_guess);

        //Vec answer = assembler.Solve(initial_guess, false);

        ReplicatableVector answer_repl(answer);
        for (unsigned i=0; i<answer_repl.size(); i++)
            double y = mesh.GetNode(i)->GetPoint()[1];
            double exact_u = sqrt(y*(4-y));
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(answer_repl[i], exact_u, 0.15);
