
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2010
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
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00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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00027 */
00029 #include "PoleZeroMaterialLaw.hpp"
00031 template<unsigned DIM>
00032 PoleZeroMaterialLaw<DIM>::PoleZeroMaterialLaw()
00033 {
00034     mpChangeOfBasisMatrix = NULL;
00035 }
00037 template<unsigned DIM>
00038 void PoleZeroMaterialLaw<DIM>::SetParameters(std::vector<std::vector<double> > k,
00039                                              std::vector<std::vector<double> > a,
00040                                              std::vector<std::vector<double> > b)
00041 {
00042     if (DIM!=2 && DIM !=3)
00043     {
00044         EXCEPTION("Can only have a 2 or 3d incompressible pole-zero law");
00045     }
00047     assert(k.size()==DIM);
00048     assert(a.size()==DIM);
00049     assert(b.size()==DIM);
00051     for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
00052     {
00053         assert(k[i].size()==DIM);
00054         assert(a[i].size()==DIM);
00055         assert(b[i].size()==DIM);
00057         for (unsigned j=0; j<DIM; j++)
00058         {
00059             assert( k[i][j] = k[j][i] );
00060             assert( a[i][j] = a[j][i] );
00061             assert( b[i][j] = b[j][i] );
00062         }
00063     }
00065     mK = k;
00066     mA = a;
00067     mB = b;
00069     for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
00070     {
00071         for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
00072         {
00073             mIdentity(M,N) = M==N ? 1.0 : 0.0;
00074         }
00075     }
00076 }
00078 template<unsigned DIM>
00079 PoleZeroMaterialLaw<DIM>::PoleZeroMaterialLaw(std::vector<std::vector<double> > k,
00080                                               std::vector<std::vector<double> > a,
00081                                               std::vector<std::vector<double> > b)
00082 {
00083     SetParameters(k,a,b);
00084     mpChangeOfBasisMatrix = NULL;
00085 }
00088 template<unsigned DIM>
00089 void PoleZeroMaterialLaw<DIM>::ComputeStressAndStressDerivative(c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rC,
00090                                                                 c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rInvC,
00091                                                                 double                    pressure,
00092                                                                 c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rT,
00093                                                                 FourthOrderTensor<DIM,DIM,DIM,DIM>&   rDTdE,
00094                                                                 bool                      computeDTdE)
00095 {
00096     // EMTODO: can factor out change of basis code? as repeated in SchmidCosta.
00097     static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> C_transformed;
00098     static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> invC_transformed;
00100     // The material law parameters are set up assuming the fibre direction is (1,0,0)
00101     // and sheet direction is (0,1,0), so we have to transform C,inv(C),and T.
00102     // Let P be the change-of-basis matrix P = (\mathbf{m}_f, \mathbf{m}_s, \mathbf{m}_n).
00103     // The transformed C for the fibre/sheet basis is C* = P^T C P.
00104     // We then compute T* = T*(C*), and then compute T = P T* P^T.
00106     if(mpChangeOfBasisMatrix)
00107     {
00108         // C* = P^T C P, and ditto inv(C)
00109         C_transformed = prod(trans(*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix),(c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>)prod(rC,*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix));          // C*    = P^T C    P
00110         invC_transformed = prod(trans(*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix),(c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>)prod(rInvC,*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix));   // invC* = P^T invC P
00111     }
00112     else
00113     {
00114         C_transformed = rC;
00115         invC_transformed = rInvC;
00116     }
00118     // compute T*
00120     c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> E = 0.5*(C_transformed - mIdentity);
00122     for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
00123     {
00124         for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
00125         {
00126             double e = E(M,N);
00127           //  if (e > 0)  // EMTODO4: check this
00128             {
00129                 double b = mB[M][N];
00130                 double a = mA[M][N];
00131                 double k = mK[M][N];
00133                 //if this fails one of the strain values got too large for the law
00134                 if(e>=a)
00135                 {
00136                     EXCEPTION("E_{MN} >= a_{MN} - strain unacceptably large for model");
00137                 }
00139                 rT(M,N) =   k
00140                           * e
00141                           * (2*(a-e) + b*e)
00142                           * pow(a-e,-b-1)
00143                           - pressure*invC_transformed(M,N);
00144             }
00145 //                else
00146 //                {
00147 //                    T(M,N) = 0.0;
00148 //                }
00149         }
00150     }
00152     if (computeDTdE)
00153     {
00154         for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
00155         {
00156             for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
00157             {
00158                 for (unsigned P=0; P<DIM; P++)
00159                 {
00160                     for (unsigned Q=0; Q<DIM; Q++)
00161                     {
00162                         rDTdE(M,N,P,Q) = 2 * pressure * invC_transformed(M,P) * invC_transformed(Q,N);
00163                     }
00164                 }
00166                 double e = E(M,N);
00167              //   if (e > 0)
00168                 {
00169                     double b = mB[M][N];
00170                     double a = mA[M][N];
00171                     double k = mK[M][N];
00173                     rDTdE(M,N,M,N) +=   k
00174                                       * pow(a-e, -b-2)
00175                                       * (
00176                                            2*(a-e)*(a-e)
00177                                          + 4*b*e*(a-e)
00178                                          + b*(b+1)*e*e
00179                                         );
00180                 }
00181             }
00182         }
00183     }
00186     // now do:   T = P T* P^T   and   dTdE_{MNPQ}  =  P_{Mm}P_{Nn}P_{Pp}P_{Qq} dT*dE*_{mnpq}
00187     if(mpChangeOfBasisMatrix)
00188     {
00189         static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> T_transformed_times_Ptrans;
00190         T_transformed_times_Ptrans = prod(rT, trans(*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix));
00192         rT = prod(*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix, T_transformed_times_Ptrans);  // T = P T* P^T
00194         // dTdE_{MNPQ}  =  P_{Mm}P_{Nn}P_{Pp}P_{Qq} dT*dE*_{mnpq}
00195         if (computeDTdE)
00196         {
00197             static FourthOrderTensor<DIM,DIM,DIM,DIM> temp;
00198             temp.template SetAsContractionOnFirstDimension<DIM>(*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix, rDTdE);
00199             rDTdE.template SetAsContractionOnSecondDimension<DIM>(*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix, temp);
00200             temp.template SetAsContractionOnThirdDimension<DIM>(*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix, rDTdE);
00201             rDTdE.template SetAsContractionOnFourthDimension<DIM>(*mpChangeOfBasisMatrix, temp);
00202         }
00203     }
00205 }
00207 template<unsigned DIM>
00208 double PoleZeroMaterialLaw<DIM>::GetZeroStrainPressure()
00209 {
00210     return 0.0;
00211 }
00213 template<unsigned DIM>
00214 void PoleZeroMaterialLaw<DIM>::ScaleMaterialParameters(double scaleFactor)
00215 {
00216     assert(scaleFactor > 0.0);
00217     for (unsigned i=0; i<mK.size(); i++)
00218     {
00219         for (unsigned j=0; j<mK[i].size(); j++)
00220         {
00221             mK[i][j] /= scaleFactor;
00222         }
00223     }
00224 }
00228 // Explicit instantiation
00231 template class PoleZeroMaterialLaw<2>;
00232 template class PoleZeroMaterialLaw<3>;

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