
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2010
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
00020 License is subject to the License being interpreted in accordance with
00021 English Law and subject to any action against the University of Oxford
00022 being under the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025 along with Chaste. If not, see <>.
00027 */
00029 #include "MutableVertexMesh.hpp"
00030 #include "RandomNumberGenerator.hpp"
00031 #include "UblasCustomFunctions.hpp"
00032 #include "Warnings.hpp"
00033 #include "LogFile.hpp"
00035 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00036 MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::MutableVertexMesh(std::vector<Node<SPACE_DIM>*> nodes,
00037                                                std::vector<VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>*> vertexElements,
00038                                                double cellRearrangementThreshold,
00039                                                double t2Threshold,
00040                                                double cellRearrangementRatio)
00041     : mCellRearrangementThreshold(cellRearrangementThreshold),
00042       mCellRearrangementRatio(cellRearrangementRatio),
00043       mT2Threshold(t2Threshold)
00044 {
00045     assert(cellRearrangementThreshold > 0.0);
00046     assert(t2Threshold > 0.0);
00048     // Reset member variables and clear mNodes and mElements
00049     Clear();
00051     // Populate mNodes and mElements
00052     for (unsigned node_index=0; node_index<nodes.size(); node_index++)
00053     {
00054         Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_temp_node = nodes[node_index];
00055         this->mNodes.push_back(p_temp_node);
00056     }
00057     for (unsigned elem_index=0; elem_index<vertexElements.size(); elem_index++)
00058     {
00059         VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* p_temp_vertex_element = vertexElements[elem_index];
00060         this->mElements.push_back(p_temp_vertex_element);
00061     }
00062     // In 3D, populate mFaces
00063     if (SPACE_DIM == 3)
00064     {
00065         // Use a std::set to keep track of which faces have been added to mFaces
00066         std::set<unsigned> faces_counted;
00068         // Loop over mElements
00069         for (unsigned elem_index=0; elem_index<this->mElements.size(); elem_index++)
00070         {
00071             // Loop over faces of this element
00072             for (unsigned face_index=0; face_index<this->mElements[elem_index]->GetNumFaces(); face_index++)
00073             {
00074                 VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM>* p_face = this->mElements[elem_index]->GetFace(face_index);
00076                 // If this face is not already contained in mFaces, add it, and update faces_counted
00077                 if (faces_counted.find(p_face->GetIndex()) == faces_counted.end())
00078                 {
00079                     this->mFaces.push_back(p_face);
00080                     faces_counted.insert(p_face->GetIndex());
00081                 }
00082             }
00083         }
00084     }
00086     // Register elements with nodes
00087     for (unsigned index=0; index<this->mElements.size(); index++)
00088     {
00089         VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* p_temp_vertex_element = this->mElements[index];
00090         for (unsigned node_index=0; node_index<p_temp_vertex_element->GetNumNodes(); node_index++)
00091         {
00092             Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_temp_node = p_temp_vertex_element->GetNode(node_index);
00093             p_temp_node->AddElement(p_temp_vertex_element->GetIndex());
00094         }
00095     }
00097     this->mMeshChangesDuringSimulation = true;
00098 }
00101 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00102 MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::MutableVertexMesh()
00103     : mCellRearrangementThreshold(0.01), // Overwritten as soon as archiving is complete
00104       mCellRearrangementRatio(1.5), // Overwritten as soon as archiving is complete
00105       mT2Threshold(0.001) // Overwritten as soon as archiving is complete
00106 {
00107     this->mMeshChangesDuringSimulation = true;
00108     Clear();
00109 }
00112 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00113 MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::~MutableVertexMesh()
00114 {
00115     Clear();
00116 }
00118 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00119 double MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetCellRearrangementThreshold() const
00120 {
00121     return mCellRearrangementThreshold;
00122 }
00125 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00126 double MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetT2Threshold() const
00127 {
00128     return mT2Threshold;
00129 }
00132 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00133 double MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetCellRearrangementRatio() const
00134 {
00135     return mCellRearrangementRatio;
00136 }
00139 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00140 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::SetCellRearrangementThreshold(double cellRearrangementThreshold)
00141 {
00142     mCellRearrangementThreshold = cellRearrangementThreshold;
00143 }
00146 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00147 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::SetT2Threshold(double t2Threshold)
00148 {
00149     mT2Threshold = t2Threshold;
00150 }
00153 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00154 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::SetCellRearrangementRatio(double cellRearrangementRatio)
00155 {
00156     mCellRearrangementRatio = cellRearrangementRatio;
00157 }
00160 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00161 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::Clear()
00162 {
00163     mDeletedNodeIndices.clear();
00164     mDeletedElementIndices.clear();
00166     VertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::Clear();
00167 }
00170 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00171 unsigned MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetNumNodes() const
00172 {
00173     return this->mNodes.size() - mDeletedNodeIndices.size();
00174 }
00177 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00178 unsigned MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetNumElements() const
00179 {
00180     return this->mElements.size() - mDeletedElementIndices.size();
00181 }
00183 //\todo deal with boundary elements in vertex meshes #1392.
00184 //template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00185 //unsigned AbstractTetrahedralMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetNumBoundaryElements() const
00186 //{
00187 //    return mBoundaryElements.size();
00188 //}
00191 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00192 std::vector< c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> > MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetLocationsOfT1Swaps()
00193 {
00194     return mLocationsOfT1Swaps;
00195 }
00197 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00198 std::vector< c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> > MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetLocationsOfT3Swaps()
00199 {
00200     return mLocationsOfT3Swaps;
00201 }
00203 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00204 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::ClearLocationsOfT1Swaps()
00205 {
00206     mLocationsOfT1Swaps.clear();
00207 }
00209 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00210 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::ClearLocationsOfT3Swaps()
00211 {
00212     mLocationsOfT3Swaps.clear();
00213 }
00216 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00217 unsigned MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::AddNode(Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNewNode)
00218 {
00219     if (mDeletedNodeIndices.empty())
00220     {
00221         pNewNode->SetIndex(this->mNodes.size());
00222         this->mNodes.push_back(pNewNode);
00223     }
00224     else
00225     {
00226         unsigned index = mDeletedNodeIndices.back();
00227         pNewNode->SetIndex(index);
00228         mDeletedNodeIndices.pop_back();
00229         delete this->mNodes[index];
00230         this->mNodes[index] = pNewNode;
00231     }
00232     return pNewNode->GetIndex();
00233 }
00236 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00237 unsigned MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::AddElement(VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* pNewElement)
00238 {
00239     unsigned new_element_index = pNewElement->GetIndex();
00241     if (new_element_index == this->mElements.size())
00242     {
00243         this->mElements.push_back(pNewElement);
00244     }
00245     else
00246     {
00247         this->mElements[new_element_index] = pNewElement;
00248     }
00249     pNewElement->RegisterWithNodes();
00250     return pNewElement->GetIndex();
00251 }
00254 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00255 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::SetNode(unsigned nodeIndex, ChastePoint<SPACE_DIM> point)
00256 {
00257     this->mNodes[nodeIndex]->SetPoint(point);
00258 }
00261 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00262 unsigned MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::DivideElementAlongGivenAxis(VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* pElement, c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> axisOfDivision,
00263                                                                                 bool placeOriginalElementBelow)
00264 {
00266     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
00267     assert(SPACE_DIM == 2); // only works in 2D at present
00268     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
00270     // Get the centroid of the element
00271     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> centroid = GetCentroidOfElement(pElement->GetIndex());
00273     // Create a vector perpendicular to the axis of division
00274     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> perp_axis;
00275     perp_axis(0) = -axisOfDivision(1);
00276     perp_axis(1) = axisOfDivision(0);
00278     /*
00279      * Find which edges the axis of division crosses by finding any node
00280      * that lies on the opposite side of the axis of division to its next
00281      * neighbour.
00282      */
00283     unsigned num_nodes = pElement->GetNumNodes();
00284     std::vector<unsigned> intersecting_nodes;
00285     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
00286     {
00287         bool is_current_node_on_left = (inner_prod(GetVectorFromAtoB(pElement->GetNodeLocation(i), centroid), perp_axis) >= 0);
00288         bool is_next_node_on_left = (inner_prod(GetVectorFromAtoB(pElement->GetNodeLocation((i+1)%num_nodes), centroid), perp_axis) >= 0);
00290         if (is_current_node_on_left != is_next_node_on_left)
00291         {
00292             intersecting_nodes.push_back(i);
00293         }
00294     }
00296     // If the axis of division does not cross two edges then we cannot proceed
00297     if (intersecting_nodes.size() != 2)
00298     {
00299         EXCEPTION("Cannot proceed with element division: the given axis of division does not cross two edges of the element");
00300     }
00302     std::vector<unsigned> division_node_global_indices;
00303     unsigned nodes_added = 0;
00305     // Find the intersections between the axis of division and the element edges
00306     for (unsigned i=0; i<intersecting_nodes.size(); i++)
00307     {
00308         /*
00309          * Get pointers to the nodes forming the edge into which one new node will be inserted.
00310          *
00311          * Note that when we use the first entry of intersecting_nodes to add a node,
00312          * we change the local index of the second entry of intersecting_nodes in
00313          * pElement, so must account for this by moving one entry further on.
00314          */
00315         Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node_A = pElement->GetNode((intersecting_nodes[i]+nodes_added)%pElement->GetNumNodes());
00316         Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node_B = pElement->GetNode((intersecting_nodes[i]+nodes_added+1)%pElement->GetNumNodes());
00318         // Find the indices of the elements owned by each node on the edge into which one new node will be inserted
00319         std::set<unsigned> elems_containing_node_A = p_node_A->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00320         std::set<unsigned> elems_containing_node_B = p_node_B->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00323         c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> position_a = p_node_A->rGetLocation();
00324         c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> position_b = p_node_B->rGetLocation();
00325         c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> a_to_b = GetVectorFromAtoB(position_a, position_b);
00328         c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> intersection;
00330         if (norm_2(a_to_b)< 2.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold)
00331         {
00332             WARNING("Edge is too small for normal division, putting node in the middle of a and b, there may be T1Swaps straight away.");
00334             intersection = position_a + 0.5*a_to_b;
00335         }
00336         else
00337         {
00338             // Find the location of the intersection
00339             double determinant = a_to_b[0]*axisOfDivision[1] - a_to_b[1]*axisOfDivision[0];
00341             c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> moved_centroid = position_a + GetVectorFromAtoB(position_a, centroid); // allow for periodicity and other metrics
00343             double alpha = (moved_centroid[0]*a_to_b[1] - position_a[0]*a_to_b[1]
00344                             -moved_centroid[1]*a_to_b[0] + position_a[1]*a_to_b[0])/determinant;
00346             intersection = moved_centroid + alpha*axisOfDivision;
00348             /*
00349              * If then new node is too close to one of the edge nodes, then reposition it
00350              * a distance mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold further along the edge.
00351              */
00352             c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> a_to_intersection = this->GetVectorFromAtoB(position_a, intersection);
00353             if (norm_2(a_to_intersection) < mCellRearrangementThreshold)
00354             {
00355                 intersection = position_a + mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*a_to_b/norm_2(a_to_b);
00356             }
00358             c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> b_to_intersection = this->GetVectorFromAtoB(position_b, intersection);
00359             if (norm_2(b_to_intersection) < mCellRearrangementThreshold)
00360             {
00361                 assert(norm_2(a_to_intersection) > mCellRearrangementThreshold); // to prevent moving intersection back to original position
00363                 intersection = position_b - mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*a_to_b/norm_2(a_to_b);
00364             }
00365         }
00367         /*
00368          * The new node is boundary node if the 2 nodes are boundary nodes and the elements don't look like
00369          *   ___A___
00370          *  |   |   |
00371          *  |___|___|
00372          *      B
00373          */
00375         bool is_boundary = false;
00376         if (p_node_A->IsBoundaryNode() && p_node_B->IsBoundaryNode())
00377         {
00378             if (elems_containing_node_A.size() !=2 ||
00379                 elems_containing_node_B.size() !=2 ||
00380                 elems_containing_node_A != elems_containing_node_B)
00381             {
00382                 is_boundary = true;
00383             }
00384         }
00386         // Add a new node to the mesh at the location of the intersection
00387         unsigned new_node_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, is_boundary, intersection[0], intersection[1]));
00388         nodes_added++;
00390         // Now make sure node is added to neighbouring elements
00392         // Find common elements
00393         std::set<unsigned> shared_elements;
00394         std::set_intersection(elems_containing_node_A.begin(),
00395                               elems_containing_node_A.end(),
00396                               elems_containing_node_B.begin(),
00397                               elems_containing_node_B.end(),
00398                               std::inserter(shared_elements, shared_elements.begin()));
00400         // Iterate over common elements
00401         for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator iter = shared_elements.begin();
00402              iter != shared_elements.end();
00403              ++iter)
00404         {
00405             // Find which node has the lower local index in this element
00406             unsigned local_indexA = this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNodeLocalIndex(p_node_A->GetIndex());
00407             unsigned local_indexB = this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNodeLocalIndex(p_node_B->GetIndex());
00409             unsigned index = local_indexB;
00410             if (local_indexB > local_indexA)
00411             {
00412                 index = local_indexA;
00413             }
00414             if ((local_indexA == 0) && (local_indexB == this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNumNodes()-1))
00415             {
00416                 index = local_indexB;
00417             }
00418             if ((local_indexB == 0) && (local_indexA == this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNumNodes()-1))
00419             {
00420                 index = local_indexA;
00421             }
00422             // Add new node to this element
00423             this->GetElement(*iter)->AddNode(index, this->GetNode(new_node_global_index));
00424         }
00425         // Store index of new node
00426         division_node_global_indices.push_back(new_node_global_index);
00427     }
00429     // Now call DivideElement() to divide the element using the new nodes
00430     unsigned new_element_index = DivideElement(pElement,
00431                                                pElement->GetNodeLocalIndex(division_node_global_indices[0]),
00432                                                pElement->GetNodeLocalIndex(division_node_global_indices[1]),
00433                                                placeOriginalElementBelow);
00434     return new_element_index;
00435 }
00437 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00438 unsigned MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::DivideElementAlongShortAxis(VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* pElement,
00439                                                                                 bool placeOriginalElementBelow)
00440 {
00441     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
00442     assert(SPACE_DIM == 2); // only works in 2D at present
00443     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
00445     // Find the short axis of the element
00446     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> short_axis = GetShortAxisOfElement(pElement->GetIndex());
00448     unsigned new_element_index = DivideElementAlongGivenAxis(pElement, short_axis, placeOriginalElementBelow);
00449     return new_element_index;
00450 }
00453 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00454 unsigned MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::DivideElement(VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* pElement,
00455                                                                   unsigned nodeAIndex,
00456                                                                   unsigned nodeBIndex,
00457                                                                   bool placeOriginalElementBelow)
00458 {
00459     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
00460     assert(SPACE_DIM == 2); // only works in 2D at present
00461     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
00463     // Sort nodeA and nodeB such that nodeBIndex > nodeAindex
00464     assert(nodeBIndex != nodeAIndex);
00466     unsigned node1_index = (nodeAIndex < nodeBIndex) ? nodeAIndex : nodeBIndex; // low index
00467     unsigned node2_index = (nodeAIndex < nodeBIndex) ? nodeBIndex : nodeAIndex; // high index
00469     // Store the number of nodes in the element (this changes when nodes are deleted from the element)
00470     unsigned num_nodes = pElement->GetNumNodes();
00472     // Copy the nodes in this element
00473     std::vector<Node<SPACE_DIM>*> nodes_elem;
00474     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
00475     {
00476         nodes_elem.push_back(pElement->GetNode(i));
00477     }
00479     // Get the index of the new element
00480     unsigned new_element_index;
00481     if (mDeletedElementIndices.empty())
00482     {
00483         new_element_index = this->mElements.size();
00484     }
00485     else
00486     {
00487         new_element_index = mDeletedElementIndices.back();
00488         mDeletedElementIndices.pop_back();
00489         delete this->mElements[new_element_index];
00490     }
00492     // Add the new element to the mesh
00493     AddElement(new VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>(new_element_index, nodes_elem));
00501     // Find lowest element
00503     double height_midpoint_1 = 0.0;
00504     double height_midpoint_2 = 0.0;
00505     unsigned counter_1 = 0;
00506     unsigned counter_2 = 0;
00508     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
00509     {
00510         if (i>=node1_index && i<=node2_index)
00511         {
00512             height_midpoint_1 += pElement->GetNode(i)->rGetLocation()[1];
00513             counter_1++;
00514         }
00515         if (i<=node1_index || i>=node2_index)
00516         {
00517             height_midpoint_2 += pElement->GetNode(i)->rGetLocation()[1];
00518             counter_2++;
00519         }
00520     }
00521     height_midpoint_1 /= (double)counter_1;
00522     height_midpoint_2 /= (double)counter_2;
00524     for (unsigned i=num_nodes; i>0; i--)
00525     {
00526         if (i-1 < node1_index || i-1 > node2_index)
00527         {
00528             if (height_midpoint_1 < height_midpoint_2)
00529             {
00530                 if (placeOriginalElementBelow)
00531                 {
00532                     pElement->DeleteNode(i-1);
00533                 }
00534                 else
00535                 {
00536                     this->mElements[new_element_index]->DeleteNode(i-1);
00537                 }
00538             }
00539             else
00540             {
00541                 if (placeOriginalElementBelow)
00542                 {
00543                     this->mElements[new_element_index]->DeleteNode(i-1);
00544                 }
00545                 else
00546                 {
00547                     pElement->DeleteNode(i-1);
00548                 }
00549             }
00550         }
00551         else if (i-1 > node1_index && i-1 < node2_index)
00552         {
00553             if (height_midpoint_1 < height_midpoint_2)
00554             {
00555                 if (placeOriginalElementBelow)
00556                 {
00557                     this->mElements[new_element_index]->DeleteNode(i-1);
00558                 }
00559                 else
00560                 {
00561                     pElement->DeleteNode(i-1);
00562                 }
00563             }
00564             else
00565             {
00566                 if (placeOriginalElementBelow)
00567                 {
00568                     pElement->DeleteNode(i-1);
00569                 }
00570                 else
00571                 {
00572                     this->mElements[new_element_index]->DeleteNode(i-1);
00573                 }
00574             }
00575         }
00576     }
00578     return new_element_index;
00579 }
00582 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00583 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::DeleteElementPriorToReMesh(unsigned index)
00584 {
00585     assert(SPACE_DIM == 2);
00587     // Mark any nodes that are contained only in this element as deleted
00588     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mElements[index]->GetNumNodes(); i++)
00589     {
00590         Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node = this->mElements[index]->GetNode(i);
00592         if (p_node->rGetContainingElementIndices().size()==1)
00593         {
00594             p_node->MarkAsDeleted();
00595             mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(p_node->GetIndex());
00596         }
00598         // Mark all the nodes contained in the removed element as boundary nodes
00599         p_node->SetAsBoundaryNode(true);
00600     }
00602     // Mark this element as deleted
00603     this->mElements[index]->MarkAsDeleted();
00604     mDeletedElementIndices.push_back(index);
00605 }
00608 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00609 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::DivideEdge(Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeA, Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeB)
00610 {
00611     // Find the indices of the elements owned by each node
00612     std::set<unsigned> elements_containing_nodeA = pNodeA->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00613     std::set<unsigned> elements_containing_nodeB = pNodeB->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00615     // Find common elements
00616     std::set<unsigned> shared_elements;
00617     std::set_intersection(elements_containing_nodeA.begin(),
00618                           elements_containing_nodeA.end(),
00619                           elements_containing_nodeB.begin(),
00620                           elements_containing_nodeB.end(),
00621                           std::inserter(shared_elements, shared_elements.begin()));
00623     // Check that the nodes have a common edge and not more than 2
00624     assert(!shared_elements.empty());
00625     assert(!shared_elements.size()<=2);
00627     // Specifiy if its a boundary node
00628     bool is_boundary_node = false;
00629     if (shared_elements.size()==1)
00630     {
00631         // If only one shared element then must be on the boundary.
00632         assert((pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode())&&(pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode()));
00633         is_boundary_node = true;
00634     }
00636     // Create a new node (position is not important as it will be changed)
00637     Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_new_node = new Node<SPACE_DIM>(GetNumNodes(), is_boundary_node, 0.0, 0.0);
00639     // Update the node location
00640     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_position = pNodeA->rGetLocation() + 0.5*GetVectorFromAtoB(pNodeA->rGetLocation(), pNodeB->rGetLocation());
00641     ChastePoint<SPACE_DIM> point(new_node_position);
00642     p_new_node->SetPoint(new_node_position);
00644     // Add node to mesh
00645     this->mNodes.push_back(p_new_node);
00647     // Iterate over common elements
00648     for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator iter = shared_elements.begin();
00649          iter != shared_elements.end();
00650          ++iter)
00651     {
00652         // Find which node has the lower local index in this element
00653         unsigned local_indexA = this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNodeA->GetIndex());
00654         unsigned local_indexB = this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNodeB->GetIndex());
00656         unsigned index = local_indexB;
00657         if ( local_indexB > local_indexA )
00658         {
00659             index = local_indexA;
00660         }
00661         if ( (local_indexA == 0) && (local_indexB == this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNumNodes()-1))
00662         {
00663             index = local_indexB;
00664         }
00665         if ( (local_indexB == 0) && (local_indexA == this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNumNodes()-1))
00666         {
00667             index = local_indexA;
00668         }
00669         // Add new node to this element
00670         this->GetElement(*iter)->AddNode(index, p_new_node);
00671     }
00672 }
00674 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00675 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::RemoveDeletedNodesAndElements(VertexElementMap& rElementMap)
00676 {
00677     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
00678     assert(SPACE_DIM==2 || SPACE_DIM==3);
00679     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
00681     // Make sure the map is big enough
00682     rElementMap.Resize(this->GetNumAllElements());
00684     // Remove deleted elements
00685     std::vector<VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>*> live_elements;
00686     for (unsigned i=0; i< this->mElements.size(); i++)
00687     {
00688         if (this->mElements[i]->IsDeleted())
00689         {
00690             delete this->mElements[i];
00691             rElementMap.SetDeleted(i);
00692         }
00693         else
00694         {
00695             live_elements.push_back(this->mElements[i]);
00696             rElementMap.SetNewIndex(i, (unsigned)(live_elements.size()-1));
00697         }
00698     }
00700     assert(mDeletedElementIndices.size() == this->mElements.size() - live_elements.size());
00701     mDeletedElementIndices.clear();
00702     this->mElements = live_elements;
00704     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mElements.size(); i++)
00705     {
00706         this->mElements[i]->ResetIndex(i);
00707     }
00709     // Remove deleted nodes
00710     RemoveDeletedNodes();
00711 }
00713 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00714 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::RemoveDeletedNodes()
00715 {
00716     std::vector<Node<SPACE_DIM>*> live_nodes;
00717     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mNodes.size(); i++)
00718     {
00719         if (this->mNodes[i]->IsDeleted())
00720         {
00721             delete this->mNodes[i];
00722         }
00723         else
00724         {
00725             live_nodes.push_back(this->mNodes[i]);
00726         }
00727     }
00729     assert(mDeletedNodeIndices.size() == this->mNodes.size() - live_nodes.size());
00730     this->mNodes = live_nodes;
00731     mDeletedNodeIndices.clear();
00733     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mNodes.size(); i++)
00734     {
00735         this->mNodes[i]->SetIndex(i);
00736     }
00737 }
00740 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00741 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::ReMesh(VertexElementMap& rElementMap)
00742 {
00743     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
00744     assert(SPACE_DIM==2 || SPACE_DIM==3);
00745     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
00747     if (SPACE_DIM==2)
00748     {
00749         /*
00750          * We do not need to call Clear() and remove all current data, since
00751          * cell birth, rearrangement and death result only in local remeshing
00752          * of a vertex-based mesh.
00753          */
00755         // Remove deleted nodes and elements
00756         RemoveDeletedNodesAndElements(rElementMap);
00758         // Check for element rearrangements
00759         bool recheck_mesh = true;
00760         while (recheck_mesh == true)
00761         {
00762             // Separate loops as need to check for T2Swaps first
00763             recheck_mesh = CheckForT2Swaps(rElementMap);
00765             if (recheck_mesh == false)
00766             {
00767                 recheck_mesh = CheckForT1Swaps(rElementMap);
00768             }
00769         }
00771         //Check for element intersections.
00772         recheck_mesh = true;
00773         while (recheck_mesh == true)
00774         {
00775             //Check mesh for intersections, and perform T3Swaps where required
00776             recheck_mesh = CheckForIntersections();
00777         }
00779         RemoveDeletedNodes(); // to remove any nodes if they are deleted
00780     }
00781     else // 3D
00782     {
00783         #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00784         EXCEPTION("Remeshing has not been implemented in 3D (see #827 and #860)\n");
00785         #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00787     }
00788 }
00791 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00792 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::ReMesh()
00793 {
00794     VertexElementMap map(GetNumElements());
00795     ReMesh(map);
00796 }
00799 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00800 bool MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::CheckForT1Swaps(VertexElementMap& rElementMap)
00801 {
00803     // Loop over elements to check for T1Swaps
00804     for (typename VertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::VertexElementIterator elem_iter = this->GetElementIteratorBegin();
00805          elem_iter != this->GetElementIteratorEnd();
00806          ++elem_iter)
00807     {
00808         unsigned num_nodes = elem_iter->GetNumNodes();
00809         assert(num_nodes > 0); // if not element should be deleted
00811         unsigned new_num_nodes = num_nodes;
00813         /*
00814          * Perform T1 swaps and merges where necessary
00815          * Check there are > 3 nodes in both elements that contain the pair of nodes
00816          * and the edges are small enough
00817          */
00819         // Loop over element vertices
00820         for (unsigned local_index=0; local_index<num_nodes; local_index++)
00821         {
00822             // Find locations of current node and anticlockwise node
00823             Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_current_node = elem_iter->GetNode(local_index);
00824             unsigned local_index_plus_one = (local_index+1)%new_num_nodes; 
00825             Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_anticlockwise_node = elem_iter->GetNode(local_index_plus_one);
00827             // Find distance between nodes
00828             double distance_between_nodes = this->GetDistanceBetweenNodes(p_current_node->GetIndex(), p_anticlockwise_node->GetIndex());
00830             std::set<unsigned> elements_of_node_a = p_current_node->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00831             std::set<unsigned> elements_of_node_b = p_anticlockwise_node->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00833             std::set<unsigned> all_elements;
00834             std::set_union(elements_of_node_a.begin(), elements_of_node_a.end(),
00835                            elements_of_node_b.begin(), elements_of_node_b.end(),
00836                            std::inserter(all_elements, all_elements.begin()));
00838             // Track if either node is in a triangular element.
00839             bool triangular_element = false;
00841             for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = all_elements.begin();
00842                  it != all_elements.end();
00843                  ++it)
00844             {
00845                 if (this->GetElement(*it)->GetNumNodes() <= 3)
00846                 {
00847                     triangular_element = true;
00848                 }
00849             }
00851             // If the nodes are too close together and we don't have any triangular elements connected to the nodes, perform a swap
00852             if ((!triangular_element) && (distance_between_nodes < mCellRearrangementThreshold))
00853             {
00854                 // Identify the type of node swap/merge needed then call method to perform swap/merge
00855                 IdentifySwapType(p_current_node, p_anticlockwise_node, rElementMap);
00856                 return true;
00857             }
00858         }
00859     }
00860     return false;
00861 }
00863 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00864 bool MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::CheckForT2Swaps(VertexElementMap& rElementMap)
00865 {
00867     // Loop over elements to check for T2Swaps
00868     for (typename VertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::VertexElementIterator elem_iter = this->GetElementIteratorBegin();
00869          elem_iter != this->GetElementIteratorEnd();
00870          ++elem_iter)
00871     {
00872         if (elem_iter->GetNumNodes() == 3u)
00873         {
00874             /*
00875              * Perform T2 swaps where necessary
00876              * Check there are only 3 nodes and the element is small enough
00877              */
00878             if (GetVolumeOfElement(elem_iter->GetIndex()) < GetT2Threshold())
00879             {
00880                 PerformT2Swap(*elem_iter);
00882                 // Now remove the deleted nodes (if we don't do this then the search for T1Swap causes errors)
00883                 RemoveDeletedNodesAndElements(rElementMap);
00885                 return true;
00886             }
00887         }
00888     }
00889     return false;
00890 }
00893 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00894 bool MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::CheckForIntersections()
00895 {
00897     // Check that no boundary nodes have overlapped elements on the boundary
00898     for (typename AbstractMesh<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->GetNodeIteratorBegin();
00899          node_iter != this->GetNodeIteratorEnd();
00900          ++node_iter)
00901     {
00902         if (node_iter->IsBoundaryNode())
00903         {
00904             assert(!(node_iter->IsDeleted()));
00906             for (typename VertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::VertexElementIterator elem_iter = this->GetElementIteratorBegin();
00907                  elem_iter != this->GetElementIteratorEnd();
00908                  ++elem_iter)
00909             {
00910                 if (elem_iter->IsElementOnBoundary())
00911                 {
00913                     unsigned elem_index = elem_iter->GetIndex();
00915                     // Check that the node is not part of this element.
00916                     if (node_iter->rGetContainingElementIndices().count(elem_index) == 0)
00917                     {
00918                         if (ElementIncludesPoint(node_iter->rGetLocation(), elem_index))
00919                         {
00920                             PerformT3Swap(&(*node_iter), elem_index);
00921                             return true;
00922                         }
00923                     }
00924                 }
00925             }
00926         }
00927     }
00929     return false;
00930 }
00932 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00933 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::IdentifySwapType(Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeA, Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeB, VertexElementMap& rElementMap)
00934 {
00935     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
00936     assert(SPACE_DIM == 2); // this method only works in 2D at present
00937     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
00939     // Find the sets of elements containing nodes A and B
00940     std::set<unsigned> nodeA_elem_indices = pNodeA->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00942     std::set<unsigned> nodeB_elem_indices = pNodeB->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00944     // Form the set union
00945     std::set<unsigned> all_indices, temp_set;
00946     std::set_union(nodeA_elem_indices.begin(), nodeA_elem_indices.end(),
00947                    nodeB_elem_indices.begin(), nodeB_elem_indices.end(),
00948                    std::inserter(temp_set, temp_set.begin()));
00949     all_indices.swap(temp_set); // temp_set will be deleted
00951     if ((nodeA_elem_indices.size()>3) || (nodeB_elem_indices.size()>3))
00952     {
00953         /*
00954          * Looks like
00955          *
00956          *  \
00957          *   \ A   B
00958          * ---o---o---
00959          *   /
00960          *  /
00961          *
00962          */
00963         EXCEPTION("A node is contained in more than three elements"); // the code can't handle this case
00964     }
00965     else // each node is contained in at most three elements
00966     {
00967         switch (all_indices.size())
00968         {
00969             case 1:
00970             {
00971                 /*
00972                  * In this case, each node is contained in a single element, so the nodes
00973                  * lie on the boundary of the mesh:
00974                  *
00975                  *    A   B
00976                  * ---o---o---
00977                  *
00978                  * We merge the nodes.
00979                  */
00981                 // Check nodes A and B are on the boundary
00982                 assert(pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode());
00983                 assert(pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode());
00985                 PerformNodeMerge(pNodeA, pNodeB);
00987                 // Remove the deleted node and re-index
00988                 RemoveDeletedNodes();
00989                 break;
00990             }
00991             case 2:
00992             {
00993                 if (nodeA_elem_indices.size()==2 && nodeB_elem_indices.size()==2)
00994                 {
00995                     if (pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode() && pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode())
00996                     {
00997                         /*
00998                          * In this case, the node configuration looks like:
00999                          *
01000                          *   \   /
01001                          *    \ / Node A
01002                          * (1) |   (2)      (element number in brackets)
01003                          *    / \ Node B
01004                          *   /   \
01005                          *
01006                          * With voids on top and bottom
01007                          *
01008                          * We perform a Type 1 swap and separate the elements in this case.
01009                          */
01010                          PerformT1Swap(pNodeA, pNodeB,all_indices);
01011                     }
01012                     else if (pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode() || pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode())
01013                     {
01014                         /*
01015                          * In this case, the node configuration looks like:
01016                          *
01017                          *   \   /
01018                          *    \ / Node A
01019                          * (1) |   (2)      (element number in brackets)
01020                          *     x Node B
01021                          *     |
01022                          *
01023                          * With a void on top.
01024                          *
01025                          * We should not be able to get here when running normal vertex code
01026                          * as there should only be nodes on 3 way junctions or boundaries.
01027                          *
01028                          */
01030                         EXCEPTION("There is a non boundary node contained only in 2 elements something has gone wrong.");
01031                     }
01032                     else
01033                     {
01034                         /*
01035                          * In this case, each node is contained in two elements, so the nodes
01036                          * lie on an internal edge:
01037                          *
01038                          *    A   B
01039                          * ---o---o---
01040                          *
01041                          * We should not be able to get here when running normal vertex code
01042                          * as there should only be nodes on 3 way junctions or boundaries.
01043                          */
01045                         EXCEPTION("There are non-boundary nodes contained in only in 2 elements something has gone wrong.");
01046                     }
01047                 }
01048                 else
01049                 {
01050                     /*
01051                      * In this case, the node configuration looks like:
01052                      *
01053                      * Outside
01054                      *         /
01055                      *   --o--o (2)
01056                      *     (1) \
01057                      *
01058                      * We merge the nodes in this case. ///\todo this should be a T1 Swap see #1263
01059                      */
01061                     PerformNodeMerge(pNodeA, pNodeB);
01063                     // Remove the deleted node and re-index
01064                     RemoveDeletedNodes();
01065                 }
01066                 break;
01067             }
01068             case 3:
01069             {
01070                 if (nodeA_elem_indices.size()==1 || nodeB_elem_indices.size()==1)
01071                 {
01072                     /*
01073                      * In this case, one node is contained in one element and
01074                      * the other node is contained in three elements:
01075                      *
01076                      *    A   B
01077                      *
01078                      *  empty   /
01079                      *         / (3)
01080                      * ---o---o-----   (element number in brackets)
01081                      *  (1)    \ (2)
01082                      *          \
01083                      *
01084                      * We should not be able to get here when running normal vertex code
01085                      * as a boundary node is contained in at most 2 elements.
01086                      */
01088                     // Check nodes A and B are on the boundary
01089                     assert(pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode());
01090                     assert(pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode());
01092                     EXCEPTION("There is a boundary node contained in three elements something has gone wrong.");
01093                 }
01094                 else if (nodeA_elem_indices.size()==2 && nodeB_elem_indices.size()==2)
01095                 {
01096                     // element in nodeA_elem_indices which is not in nodeB_elem_indices contains a shared node with the element in nodeA_elem_indices which is not in nodeB_elem_indices.
01098                     std::set<unsigned> element_A_not_B, temp_set;
01099                     std::set_difference(all_indices.begin(), all_indices.end(),
01100                                         nodeB_elem_indices.begin(), nodeB_elem_indices.end(),
01101                                         std::inserter(temp_set, temp_set.begin()));
01102                     element_A_not_B.swap(temp_set);
01104                     // Should only be one such element
01105                     assert(element_A_not_B.size()==1);
01107                     std::set<unsigned> element_B_not_A;
01108                     std::set_difference(all_indices.begin(), all_indices.end(),
01109                                         nodeA_elem_indices.begin(), nodeA_elem_indices.end(),
01110                                         std::inserter(temp_set, temp_set.begin()));
01111                     element_B_not_A.swap(temp_set);
01113                     // Should only be one such element
01114                     assert(element_B_not_A.size()==1);
01116                     VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_A_not_B = this->mElements[*element_A_not_B.begin()];
01117                     VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_B_not_A = this->mElements[*element_B_not_A.begin()];
01119                     unsigned local_index_1 = p_element_A_not_B->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNodeA->GetIndex());
01120                     unsigned next_node_1 = p_element_A_not_B->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index_1 + 1)%(p_element_A_not_B->GetNumNodes()));
01121                     unsigned previous_node_1 = p_element_A_not_B->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index_1 + p_element_A_not_B->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_A_not_B->GetNumNodes()));
01122                     unsigned local_index_2 = p_element_B_not_A->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNodeB->GetIndex());
01123                     unsigned next_node_2 = p_element_B_not_A->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index_2 + 1)%(p_element_B_not_A->GetNumNodes()));
01124                     unsigned previous_node_2 = p_element_B_not_A->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index_2 + p_element_B_not_A->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_B_not_A->GetNumNodes()));
01126                     if (next_node_1 == previous_node_2 || next_node_2 == previous_node_1)
01127                      {
01128                         /*
01129                          * In this case, the node configuration looks like:
01130                          *
01131                          *    A  C  B                A      B
01132                          *      /\                 \        /
01133                          *     /v \                 \  (1) /
01134                          * (3)o----o (1)  or     (2) o----o (3)    (element number in brackets, v is a void)
01135                          *   /  (2) \                 \v /
01136                          *  /        \                 \/
01137                          *                             C
01138                          *
01139                          * We perform a T3 way merge, removing the void.
01140                          */
01142                         // Check nodes A and B are on the boundary
01143                         assert(pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode());
01144                         assert(pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode());
01146                         // Get the other node in the triangular void
01147                         unsigned nodeC_index;
01148                         if (next_node_1 == previous_node_2 && next_node_2 != previous_node_1)
01149                         {
01150                             nodeC_index = next_node_1;
01151                         }
01152                         else if (next_node_2 == previous_node_1 && next_node_1 != previous_node_2)
01153                         {
01154                             nodeC_index = next_node_2;
01155                         }
01156                         else
01157                         {
01158                              assert(next_node_1 == previous_node_2 && next_node_2 == previous_node_1);
01159                              EXCEPTION("Triangular element next to triangular void, not implemented yet.");
01160                         }
01162                         PerformVoidRemoval(pNodeA, pNodeB, this->mNodes[nodeC_index]);
01163                     }
01164                     else
01165                     {
01166                         /*
01167                          * In this case, the node configuration looks like:
01168                          *
01169                          *     A  B                  A  B
01170                          *   \ empty/              \      /
01171                          *    \    /                \(1) /
01172                          * (3) o--o (1)  or      (2) o--o (3)    (element number in brackets)
01173                          *    / (2)\                /    \
01174                          *   /      \              /empty \
01175                          *
01176                          * We perform a T1 Swap in this case.
01177                          */
01179                         // Check nodes A and B are on the boundary
01180                         assert(pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode());
01181                         assert(pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode());
01183                         PerformT1Swap(pNodeA, pNodeB, all_indices);
01184                     }
01185                 }
01186                 else
01187                 {
01188                     /*
01189                      * In this case, one of the nodes is contained in two elements
01190                      * and the other node is contained in three elements.
01191                      */
01192                     assert (   (nodeA_elem_indices.size()==2 && nodeB_elem_indices.size()==3)
01193                             || (nodeA_elem_indices.size()==3 && nodeB_elem_indices.size()==2) );
01195                     // They can't both be boundary nodes
01196                     assert(!(pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode() && pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode()));
01198                     if (pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode() || pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode())
01199                     {
01200                         /*
01201                          * In this case, the node configuration looks like:
01202                          *
01203                          *     A  B                      A  B
01204                          *   \      /                  \      /
01205                          *    \ (1)/                    \(1) /
01206                          * (3) o--o (empty)  or  (empty) o--o (3)    (element number in brackets)
01207                          *    / (2)\                    /(2) \
01208                          *   /      \                  /      \
01209                          *
01210                          * We perform a Type 1 swap in this case.
01211                          */
01212                         PerformT1Swap(pNodeA, pNodeB, all_indices);
01213                     }
01214                     else
01215                     {
01216                         /*
01217                          * In this case, the node configuration looks like:
01218                          *
01219                          *     A  B             A  B
01220                          *   \                       /
01221                          *    \  (1)           (1)  /
01222                          * (3) o--o---   or  ---o--o (3)    (element number in brackets)
01223                          *    /  (2)           (2)  \
01224                          *   /                       \
01225                          *
01226                          * We should not be able to get here when running normal vertex code
01227                          * as there should only be nodes on 3 way junctions or boundaries.
01228                          */
01230                         EXCEPTION("There are non-boundary nodes contained only in 2 elements something has gone wrong.");
01231                     }
01232                 }
01233                 break;
01234             }
01235             case 4:
01236             {
01237                 /*
01238                  * In this case, the node configuration looks like:
01239                  *
01240                  *   \(1)/
01241                  *    \ / Node A
01242                  * (2) |   (4)      (element number in brackets)
01243                  *    / \ Node B
01244                  *   /(3)\
01245                  *
01246                  * We perform a Type 1 swap in this case.
01247                  */
01248                 PerformT1Swap(pNodeA, pNodeB, all_indices);
01249                 break;
01250             }
01251             default:
01252                 // This can't happen
01253                 NEVER_REACHED;
01254         }
01255     }
01256 }
01258 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
01259 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::PerformNodeMerge(Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeA, Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeB)
01260 {
01261     // Sort the nodes by index
01262     unsigned nodeA_index = pNodeA->GetIndex();
01263     unsigned nodeB_index = pNodeB->GetIndex();
01265     unsigned lo_node_index = (nodeA_index < nodeB_index) ? nodeA_index : nodeB_index; // low index
01266     unsigned hi_node_index = (nodeA_index < nodeB_index) ? nodeB_index : nodeA_index; // high index
01268     // Get pointers to the nodes, sorted by index
01269     Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_lo_node = this->GetNode(lo_node_index);
01270     Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_hi_node = this->GetNode(hi_node_index);
01272     // Find the sets of elements containing each of the nodes, sorted by index
01273     std::set<unsigned> lo_node_elem_indices = p_lo_node->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01274     std::set<unsigned> hi_node_elem_indices = p_hi_node->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01276     // Move the low-index node to the mid-point
01277     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> node_midpoint = p_lo_node->rGetLocation() + 0.5*this->GetVectorFromAtoB(p_lo_node->rGetLocation(), p_hi_node->rGetLocation());
01278     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM>& r_lo_node_location = p_lo_node->rGetModifiableLocation();
01279     r_lo_node_location = node_midpoint;
01281     // Update the elements previously containing the high-index node to contain the low-index node
01282     for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = hi_node_elem_indices.begin();
01283          it != hi_node_elem_indices.end();
01284          ++it)
01285     {
01286         // Find the local index of the high-index node in this element
01287         unsigned hi_node_local_index = this->mElements[*it]->GetNodeLocalIndex(hi_node_index);
01288         assert(hi_node_local_index < UINT_MAX); // this element should contain the high-index node
01290         /*
01291          * If this element already contains the low-index node, then just remove the high-index node.
01292          * Otherwise replace it with the low-index node in the element and remove it from mNodes.
01293          */
01294         if (lo_node_elem_indices.count(*it) > 0)
01295         {
01296             this->mElements[*it]->DeleteNode(hi_node_local_index); // think this method removes the high-index node from mNodes
01297         }
01298         else
01299         {
01300             // Replace the high-index node with the low-index node in this element
01301             this->mElements[*it]->UpdateNode(hi_node_local_index, p_lo_node);
01302         }
01303     }
01304     assert(!(this->mNodes[hi_node_index]->IsDeleted()));
01305     this->mNodes[hi_node_index]->MarkAsDeleted();
01306     mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(hi_node_index);
01307 }
01309 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
01310 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::PerformT1Swap(Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeA,
01311                                                               Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeB,
01312                                                               std::set<unsigned>& rElementsContainingNodes)
01313 {
01314     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
01315     assert(SPACE_DIM == 2); // only works in 2D at present
01316     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
01318     /*
01319      * Restructure elements - remember to update nodes and elements.
01320      *
01321      * We need to implement the following changes:
01322      *
01323      * The element whose index was in nodeA_elem_indices but not nodeB_elem_indices,
01324      * and the element whose index was in nodeB_elem_indices but not nodeA_elem_indices,
01325      * should now both contain nodes A and B.
01326      *
01327      * The element whose index was in nodeA_elem_indices and nodeB_elem_indices, and which
01328      * node C lies inside, should now only contain node A.
01329      *
01330      * The element whose index was in nodeA_elem_indices and nodeB_elem_indices, and which
01331      * node D lies inside, should now only contain node B.
01332      *
01333      * Iterate over all elements involved and identify which element they are
01334      * in the diagram then update the nodes as necessary.
01335      *
01336      *   \(1)/
01337      *    \ / Node A
01338      * (2) |   (4)     elements in brackets
01339      *    / \ Node B
01340      *   /(3)\
01341      *
01342      */
01344     /*
01345      * Compute the locations of two new nodes C, D, placed on either side of the
01346      * edge E_old formed by nodes current_node and anticlockwise_node, such
01347      * that the edge E_new formed by the new nodes is the perpendicular bisector
01348      * of E_old, with |E_new| 'just larger' (mCellRearrangementRatio) than mThresholdDistance.
01349      */
01351     // Find the sets of elements containing nodes A and B
01352     std::set<unsigned> nodeA_elem_indices = pNodeA->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01353     std::set<unsigned> nodeB_elem_indices = pNodeB->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01355     double distance_between_nodes_CD = mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold;
01357     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> nodeA_location = pNodeA->rGetLocation();
01358     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> nodeB_location = pNodeB->rGetLocation();
01360     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> a_to_b = this->GetVectorFromAtoB(nodeA_location, nodeB_location);
01362     // Store the location of the T1Swap, the mid point of the moving nodes,
01363     mLocationsOfT1Swaps.push_back(nodeA_location + 0.5*a_to_b);
01365     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> perpendicular_vector;
01366     perpendicular_vector(0) = -a_to_b(1);
01367     perpendicular_vector(1) = a_to_b(0);
01369     if (norm_2(a_to_b) < 1e-10) 
01370     {
01371         EXCEPTION("Nodes are too close together, this shouldn't happen");
01372     }
01374     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> c_to_d = distance_between_nodes_CD / norm_2(a_to_b) * perpendicular_vector;
01375     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> nodeC_location = nodeA_location + 0.5*a_to_b - 0.5*c_to_d;
01376     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> nodeD_location = nodeC_location + c_to_d;
01378     /*
01379      * Move node A to C and node B to D
01380      */
01382     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM>& r_nodeA_location = pNodeA->rGetModifiableLocation();
01383     r_nodeA_location = nodeC_location;
01385     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM>& r_nodeB_location = pNodeB->rGetModifiableLocation();
01386     r_nodeB_location = nodeD_location;
01388     for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = rElementsContainingNodes.begin();
01389          it != rElementsContainingNodes.end();
01390          ++it)
01391     {
01392         if (nodeA_elem_indices.find(*it) == nodeA_elem_indices.end()) // not in nodeA_elem_indices so element 3
01393         {
01394             /*
01395              * In this case the element index was not in
01396              * nodeA_elem_indices, so this element
01397              * does not contain node A. Therefore we must add node A
01398              * (which has been moved to node C) to this element.
01399              *
01400              * Locate local index of node B in element then add node A after
01401              * in anticlockwise direction.
01402              */
01404             unsigned nodeB_local_index = this->mElements[*it]->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNodeB->GetIndex());
01405             assert(nodeB_local_index < UINT_MAX); // this element should contain node B
01407             this->mElements[*it]->AddNode(nodeB_local_index, pNodeA);
01408         }
01409         else if (nodeB_elem_indices.find(*it) == nodeB_elem_indices.end()) // not in nodeB_elem_indices so element 1
01410         {
01411             /*
01412              * In this case the element index was not in
01413              * nodeB_elem_indices, so this element
01414              * does not contain node B. Therefore we must add node B
01415              * (which has been moved to node D) to this element.
01416              *
01417              * Locate local index of node A in element then add node B after
01418              * in anticlockwise direction.
01419              */
01420             unsigned nodeA_local_index = this->mElements[*it]->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNodeA->GetIndex());
01421             assert(nodeA_local_index < UINT_MAX); // this element should contain node A
01422             this->mElements[*it]->AddNode(nodeA_local_index, pNodeB);
01423         }
01424         else
01425         {
01426             /*
01427              * In this case the element index was in both nodeB_elem_indices and nodeB_elem_indices
01428              * so is element 2 or 4
01429              */
01431             /*
01432              * Locate local index of nodeA and nodeB and use the ordering to
01433              * identify the element, if nodeB_index > nodeA_index then element 4
01434              * and if nodeA_index > nodeB_index then element 2
01435              */
01436             unsigned nodeA_local_index = this->mElements[*it]->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNodeA->GetIndex());
01437             assert(nodeA_local_index < UINT_MAX); // this element should contain node A
01439             unsigned nodeB_local_index = this->mElements[*it]->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNodeB->GetIndex());
01440             assert(nodeB_local_index < UINT_MAX); // this element should contain node B
01442             unsigned nodeB_local_index_plus_one = (nodeB_local_index + 1)%(this->mElements[*it]->GetNumNodes());
01444             if (nodeA_local_index == nodeB_local_index_plus_one)
01445             {
01446                 /*
01447                  * In this case the local index of nodeA is the local index of
01448                  * nodeB plus one so we are in element 2 so we remove nodeB
01449                  */
01450                 this->mElements[*it]->DeleteNode(nodeB_local_index);
01451             }
01452             else
01453             {
01454                 assert(nodeB_local_index == (nodeA_local_index + 1)%(this->mElements[*it]->GetNumNodes())); // as A and B are next to each other
01455                 /*
01456                  * In this case the local index of nodeA is the local index of
01457                  * nodeB minus one so we are in element 4 so we remove nodeA
01458                  */
01459                 this->mElements[*it]->DeleteNode(nodeA_local_index);
01460             }
01461         }
01462     }
01464     // Sort out boundary nodes
01465     if (pNodeA->IsBoundaryNode() || pNodeB->IsBoundaryNode())
01466     {
01467         if (pNodeA->GetNumContainingElements()==3)
01468         {
01469             pNodeA->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
01470         }
01471         else
01472         {
01473             pNodeA->SetAsBoundaryNode(true);
01474         }
01475         if (pNodeB->GetNumContainingElements()==3)
01476         {
01477             pNodeB->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
01478         }
01479         else
01480         {
01481             pNodeB->SetAsBoundaryNode(true);
01482         }
01483     }
01484 }
01486 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
01487 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::PerformT2Swap(VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>& rElement)
01488 {
01489     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
01490     assert(SPACE_DIM == 2); // only works in 2D at present
01491     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
01493     /*
01494      * For removing a small triangle
01495      *
01496      *  \
01497      *   \
01498      *   |\
01499      *   | \
01500      *   |  \_ _ _ _ _
01501      *   |  /
01502      *   | /
01503      *   |/
01504      *   /
01505      *  /
01506      *
01507      * To
01508      *
01509      *  \
01510      *   \
01511      *    \
01512      *     \
01513      *      \_ _ _ _ _
01514      *      /
01515      *     /
01516      *    /
01517      *   /
01518      *  /
01519      *
01520      */
01522     // Assert that the triangle element has only three nodes (!)
01523     assert(rElement.GetNumNodes() == 3u);
01525     bool is_node_on_boundary = false;
01526     for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
01527     {
01528         if (rElement.GetNode(i)->IsBoundaryNode())
01529         {
01530             is_node_on_boundary= true;
01531         }
01532     }
01534     // Create new node at centroid of element which will be a boundary node if any of the existing nodes was on the boundary.
01535     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_location = GetCentroidOfElement(rElement.GetIndex());
01536     unsigned new_node_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(GetNumNodes(), new_node_location, is_node_on_boundary));
01537     Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_new_node = this->GetNode(new_node_global_index);
01539     std::set<unsigned> neighbouring_elements;
01541     for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
01542     {
01543         Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node_a = rElement.GetNode((i+1)%3);
01544         Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node_b = rElement.GetNode((i+2)%3);
01546         std::set<unsigned> elements_of_node_a = p_node_a->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01547         std::set<unsigned> elements_of_node_b = p_node_b->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01549         std::set<unsigned> common_elements;
01551         std::set_intersection( elements_of_node_a.begin(), elements_of_node_a.end(),
01552                                elements_of_node_b.begin(), elements_of_node_b.end(),
01553                                std::inserter(common_elements, common_elements.begin()));
01555         assert(common_elements.size() <= 2u);
01556         common_elements.erase(rElement.GetIndex());
01558         if (common_elements.size() == 1u) // there is a neighbouring element
01559         {
01560             VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* p_neighbouring_element = this->GetElement(*(common_elements.begin()));
01562             if (p_neighbouring_element->GetNumNodes() < 4u)
01563             {
01564                 EXCEPTION("One of the neighbours of a small triangular element is also a triangle - dealing with this has not been implemented yet");
01565             }
01567             p_neighbouring_element-> ReplaceNode(p_node_a, p_new_node);
01568             p_neighbouring_element->DeleteNode(p_neighbouring_element->GetNodeLocalIndex(p_node_b->GetIndex()));
01569         }
01570         else
01571         {
01572             assert( (p_node_a->IsBoundaryNode()) && (p_node_b->IsBoundaryNode()) );
01573         }
01574     }
01576     // Also have to mark pElement, pElement->GetNode(0), pElement->GetNode(1), and pElement->GetNode(2) as deleted.
01577     mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(rElement.GetNodeGlobalIndex(0));
01578     mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(rElement.GetNodeGlobalIndex(1));
01579     mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(rElement.GetNodeGlobalIndex(2));
01580     rElement.GetNode(0)->MarkAsDeleted();
01581     rElement.GetNode(1)->MarkAsDeleted();
01582     rElement.GetNode(2)->MarkAsDeleted();
01584     mDeletedElementIndices.push_back(rElement.GetIndex());
01585     rElement.MarkAsDeleted();
01586 }
01588 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
01589 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::PerformT3Swap(Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNode, unsigned elementIndex)
01590 {
01591     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
01592     assert(SPACE_DIM == 2); // only works in 2D at present
01593     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
01595     // Check pNode is a boundary node
01596     assert(pNode->IsBoundaryNode());
01598     // Store the index of the elements containing the intersecting node
01599     std::set<unsigned> elements_containing_intersecting_node = pNode->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01601     // Get the local index of the node in the intersected element after which the new node is to be added
01602     unsigned node_A_local_index = GetLocalIndexForElementEdgeClosestToPoint(pNode->rGetLocation(), elementIndex);
01604     // Get current node location
01605     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> node_location = pNode->rGetModifiableLocation();
01607     // Get element
01608     VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element = this->GetElement(elementIndex);
01609     unsigned num_nodes = p_element->GetNumNodes();
01613 //   TRACE("intersecting node");
01614 //    PRINT_2_VARIABLES(pNode->GetIndex(),node_location);
01615 //
01616 //
01617 //    for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator elem_iter = elements_containing_intersecting_node.begin();
01618 //         elem_iter != elements_containing_intersecting_node.end();
01619 //         elem_iter++)
01620 //
01621 //    {
01622 //        TRACE("intersecting element");
01623 //
01624 //        VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_intersection = this->GetElement(*elem_iter);
01625 //        PRINT_VARIABLE(p_element_intersection->GetIndex());
01626 //
01627 //        for (unsigned node_index = 0;
01628 //             node_index < p_element_intersection->GetNumNodes();
01629 //             node_index++)
01630 //        {
01631 //            PRINT_3_VARIABLES(p_element_intersection->GetNodeGlobalIndex(node_index),
01632 //                              p_element_intersection->GetNode(node_index)->IsBoundaryNode(),
01633 //                              p_element_intersection->GetNodeLocation(node_index));
01634 //        }
01635 //    }
01636 //    TRACE("intersected element");
01637 //    PRINT_VARIABLE(p_element->GetIndex());
01638 //    for (unsigned node_index = 0;
01639 //         node_index < p_element->GetNumNodes();
01640 //         node_index++)
01641 //    {
01642 //        PRINT_3_VARIABLES(p_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex(node_index),
01643 //                          p_element->GetNode(node_index)->IsBoundaryNode(),
01644 //                          p_element->GetNodeLocation(node_index));
01645 //    }
01649     // Get the nodes at either end of the edge to be divided
01650     unsigned vertexA_index = p_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex(node_A_local_index);
01651     unsigned vertexB_index = p_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex((node_A_local_index+1)%num_nodes);
01653     // Check these nodes are also boundary nodes if this fails then the elements have become concave and you need a smaller timestep
01654     if (!this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->IsBoundaryNode() || !this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->IsBoundaryNode())
01655     {
01656         EXCEPTION("A boundary node has intersected a non boundary edge, this is because the boundary element has become concave you need to rerun the simulation with a smaller time step to prevent this.");
01657     }
01659     // Get the nodes at either end of the edge to be divided and calculate intersection
01660     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> vertexA = p_element->GetNodeLocation(node_A_local_index);
01661     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> vertexB = p_element->GetNodeLocation((node_A_local_index+1)%num_nodes);
01662     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> vector_a_to_point = this->GetVectorFromAtoB(vertexA, node_location);
01664     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> vector_a_to_b = this->GetVectorFromAtoB(vertexA, vertexB);
01666     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> edge_ab_unit_vector = vector_a_to_b/norm_2(vector_a_to_b);
01667     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> intersection = vertexA + edge_ab_unit_vector*inner_prod(vector_a_to_point, edge_ab_unit_vector);
01669     // Store the location of the T3Swap, the location of the intersection with the edge.
01670     mLocationsOfT3Swaps.push_back(intersection);
01672     /*
01673      * If the edge is shorter than 4.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold move vertexA and vertexB
01674      * 4.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold apart. \todo investigate if moving A and B causes other issues with nearby nodes.
01675      *
01676      * Note: this distance so that there is always enough room for new nodes (if necessary)
01677      * \todo currently this assumes a worst case scenario of 3 nodes between A and B could be less movement for other cases. #1399
01678      */
01679     if (norm_2(vector_a_to_b) < 4.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold)
01680     {
01681         WARNING("Trying to merge a node onto an edge which is too small.");
01683         c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> centre_a_and_b = vertexA + 0.5*vector_a_to_b;
01685         vertexA = centre_a_and_b  - 2.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*vector_a_to_b/norm_2(vector_a_to_b);
01686         ChastePoint<SPACE_DIM> vertex_A_point(vertexA);
01687         SetNode(p_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex(node_A_local_index), vertex_A_point);
01689         vertexB = centre_a_and_b  + 2.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*vector_a_to_b/norm_2(vector_a_to_b);
01690         ChastePoint<SPACE_DIM> vertex_B_point(vertexB);
01691         SetNode(p_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex((node_A_local_index+1)%num_nodes), vertex_B_point);
01693         // Reset distances
01694         vector_a_to_b = this->GetVectorFromAtoB(vertexA, vertexB);
01695         edge_ab_unit_vector = vector_a_to_b/norm_2(vector_a_to_b);
01697         // Reset the intersection to the middle to allow enough room for new nodes
01698         intersection = centre_a_and_b;
01699     }
01701     /*
01702      * If the intersection is within mCellRearrangementRatio^2*mCellRearrangementThreshold of vertexA or vertexB move it
01703      * mCellRearrangementRatio^2*mCellRearrangementThreshold away.
01704      *
01705      * Note: this distance so that there is always enough room for new nodes (if necessary).
01706      * \todo currently this assumes a worst case scenario of 3 nodes between A and B could be less movement for other cases.
01707      */
01708     if (norm_2(intersection - vertexA) < 2.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold)
01709     {
01710         intersection = vertexA + 2.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
01711     }
01712     if (norm_2(intersection - vertexB) < 2.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold)
01713     {
01714         intersection = vertexB - 2.0*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
01715     }
01717     if (pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 1)
01718     {
01719         // Get the index of the element containing the intersecting node
01720         unsigned intersecting_element_index = *elements_containing_intersecting_node.begin();
01722         // Get element
01723         VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_intersecting_element = this->GetElement(intersecting_element_index);
01725         unsigned local_index = p_intersecting_element->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNode->GetIndex());
01726         unsigned next_node = p_intersecting_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index + 1)%(p_intersecting_element->GetNumNodes()));
01727         unsigned previous_node = p_intersecting_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index + p_intersecting_element->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_intersecting_element->GetNumNodes()));
01729         // Check to see if the nodes adjacent to the intersecting node are contained in the intersected element VertexA and VertexB
01730         if (next_node == vertexA_index || previous_node == vertexA_index || next_node == vertexB_index || previous_node == vertexB_index)
01731         {
01732             unsigned common_vertex_index;
01734             if (next_node == vertexA_index || previous_node == vertexA_index)
01735             {
01736                 common_vertex_index = vertexA_index;
01737             }
01738             else
01739             {
01740                 common_vertex_index = vertexB_index;
01741             }
01743             assert(this->mNodes[common_vertex_index]->GetNumContainingElements()>1);
01745             std::set<unsigned> elements_containing_common_vertex = this->mNodes[common_vertex_index]->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01746             std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = elements_containing_common_vertex.begin();
01747             VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_common_1 = this->GetElement(*it);
01748             it++;
01749             VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_common_2 = this->GetElement(*it);
01751             // Calculate the number of common vertices between element_1 and element_2
01752             unsigned num_common_vertices = 0;
01753             for (unsigned i=0; i<p_element_common_1->GetNumNodes(); i++)
01754             {
01755                 for (unsigned j=0; j<p_element_common_2->GetNumNodes(); j++)
01756                 {
01757                     if (p_element_common_1->GetNodeGlobalIndex(i)==p_element_common_2->GetNodeGlobalIndex(j))
01758                     {
01759                         num_common_vertices++;
01760                     }
01761                 }
01762             }
01764             if (num_common_vertices == 1 || this->mNodes[common_vertex_index]->GetNumContainingElements() > 2)
01765             {
01766                 /*
01767                  * This is the situation here.
01768                  *
01769                  *  From          To
01770                  *   _             _
01771                  *    |  <---       |
01772                  *    |  /\         |\
01773                  *    | /  \        | \
01774                  *   _|/____\      _|__\
01775                  *
01776                  * The edge goes from vertexA--vertexB to vertexA--pNode--vertexB
01777                  */
01779                 // Move original node
01780                 pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection;
01782                 // Add the moved nodes to the element (this also updates the node)
01783                 this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, pNode);
01785                 // Check the nodes are updated correctly
01786                 assert(pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
01787             }
01788             else if (num_common_vertices == 2)
01789             {
01790                 /*
01791                  * This is the situation here.
01792                  *
01793                  * C is common_vertex D is the other one.
01794                  *
01795                  *  From          To
01796                  *   _ D          _
01797                  *    | <---       |
01798                  *    | /\         |\
01799                  *   C|/  \        | \
01800                  *   _|____\      _|__\
01801                  *
01802                  *  The edge goes from vertexC--vertexB to vertexC--pNode--vertexD
01803                  *  then VertexB is removed as it is no longer needed.
01804                  */
01806                 // Move original node
01807                 pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection;
01809                 // Replace common_vertex with the the moved node (this also updates the nodes)
01810                 this->GetElement(elementIndex)->ReplaceNode(this->mNodes[common_vertex_index], pNode);
01812                 // Remove common_vertex
01813                 this->GetElement(intersecting_element_index)->DeleteNode(this->GetElement(intersecting_element_index)->GetNodeLocalIndex(common_vertex_index));
01814                 assert(this->mNodes[common_vertex_index]->GetNumContainingElements()==0);
01816                 this->mNodes[common_vertex_index]->MarkAsDeleted();
01817                 mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(common_vertex_index);
01819                 // Check the nodes are updated correctly
01820                 assert(pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
01821             }
01822             else
01823             {
01824                 // This can't happen as nodes can't be on the internal edge of 2 elements.
01825                 NEVER_REACHED;
01826             }
01827         }
01828         else
01829         {
01830             /*
01831              *  From          To
01832              *   ____        _______
01833              *                 / \
01834              *    /\   ^      /   \
01835              *   /  \  |
01836              *
01837              *  The edge goes from vertexA--vertexB to vertexA--new_node--pNode--vertexB
01838              */
01840             // Move original node
01841             pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection + 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
01843             c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_location = intersection - 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
01845             // Add new node which will always be a boundary node
01846             unsigned new_node_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, true, new_node_location[0], new_node_location[1]));
01848             // Add the moved and new nodes to the element (this also updates the node)
01849             this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, pNode);
01850             this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
01852             // Add the new node to the original element containing pNode (this also updates the node)
01853             this->GetElement(intersecting_element_index)->AddNode(this->GetElement(intersecting_element_index)->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNode->GetIndex()), this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
01855             // Check the nodes are updated correctly
01856             assert(pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
01857             assert(this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
01858         }
01859     }
01860     else if (pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 2)
01861     {
01862         // Find the nodes contained in elements containing the intersecting node
01863         std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = elements_containing_intersecting_node.begin();
01864         VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_intersection_1 = this->GetElement(*it);
01865         it++;
01866         VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_intersection_2 = this->GetElement(*it);
01868         unsigned local_index_1 = p_element_intersection_1->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNode->GetIndex());
01869         unsigned next_node_1 = p_element_intersection_1->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index_1 + 1)%(p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes()));
01870         unsigned previous_node_1 = p_element_intersection_1->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index_1 + p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes()));
01871         unsigned local_index_2 = p_element_intersection_2->GetNodeLocalIndex(pNode->GetIndex());
01872         unsigned next_node_2 = p_element_intersection_2->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index_2 + 1)%(p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes()));
01873         unsigned previous_node_2 = p_element_intersection_2->GetNodeGlobalIndex((local_index_2 + p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes()));
01875         // Check to see if the nodes adjacent to the intersecting node are contained in the intersected element VertexA and VertexB
01876         if ((next_node_1 == vertexA_index || previous_node_1 == vertexA_index || next_node_2 == vertexA_index || previous_node_2 == vertexA_index) &&
01877                (next_node_1 == vertexB_index || previous_node_1 == vertexB_index || next_node_2 == vertexB_index || previous_node_2 == vertexB_index))
01878         {
01879             /*
01880              * Here we have
01881              *        __
01882              *      /|             /
01883              *  __ / |     --> ___/
01884              *     \ |            \
01885              *      \|__           \
01886              *
01887              * Where the node on the left has overlapped the edge A B
01888              *
01889              * Move p_node to the intersection on A B and merge AB and p_node
01890              */
01892             //Check they are all boundary nodes
01893             assert(pNode->IsBoundaryNode());
01894             assert(this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->IsBoundaryNode());
01895             assert(this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->IsBoundaryNode());
01897             // Move p_node to the intersection with the edge A B
01898             pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection;
01899             pNode->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
01901             // Add pNode to the intersected element
01902             this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, pNode);
01904             // Remove VertexA from elements
01905             std::set<unsigned> elements_containing_vertex_A = this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01906             for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator iter = elements_containing_vertex_A.begin();
01907                  iter != elements_containing_vertex_A.end();
01908                  iter++)
01909             {
01910                 this->GetElement(*iter)->DeleteNode(this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNodeLocalIndex(vertexA_index));
01911             }
01913             // Remove VertexA from the mesh
01914             assert(this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->GetNumContainingElements()==0);
01916             this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->MarkAsDeleted();
01917             mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(vertexA_index);
01919             // Remove VertexB from elements
01920             std::set<unsigned> elements_containing_vertex_B = this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01921             for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator iter = elements_containing_vertex_B.begin();
01922                  iter != elements_containing_vertex_B.end();
01923                  iter++)
01924             {
01925                 this->GetElement(*iter)->DeleteNode(this->GetElement(*iter)->GetNodeLocalIndex(vertexB_index));
01926             }
01928             // Remove VertexB from the mesh
01929             assert(this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->GetNumContainingElements()==0);
01931             this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->MarkAsDeleted();
01932             mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(vertexB_index);
01933         }
01934         else
01935         {
01936             if (next_node_1 == vertexA_index || previous_node_1 == vertexA_index || next_node_2 == vertexA_index || previous_node_2 == vertexA_index)
01937             {
01938                 // Get elements containing vertexA_index (the Common vertex)
01940                 assert(this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->GetNumContainingElements()>1);
01942                 std::set<unsigned> elements_containing_vertex_A = this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->rGetContainingElementIndices();
01943                 std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator iter = elements_containing_vertex_A.begin();
01944                 VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_common_1 = this->GetElement(*iter);
01945                 iter++;
01946                 VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_common_2 = this->GetElement(*iter);
01948                 // Calculate the number of common vertices between element_1 and element_2
01949                 unsigned num_common_vertices = 0;
01950                 for (unsigned i=0; i<p_element_common_1->GetNumNodes(); i++)
01951                 {
01952                     for (unsigned j=0; j<p_element_common_2->GetNumNodes(); j++)
01953                     {
01954                         if (p_element_common_1->GetNodeGlobalIndex(i) == p_element_common_2->GetNodeGlobalIndex(j))
01955                         {
01956                             num_common_vertices++;
01957                         }
01958                     }
01959                 }
01961                 if (num_common_vertices == 1 || this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->GetNumContainingElements() > 2)
01962                 {
01963                     /*
01964                      *  From          To
01965                      *   _ B              _ B
01966                      *    |  <---          |
01967                      *    |   /|\          |\
01968                      *    |  / | \         | \
01969                      *    | /  |  \        |\ \
01970                      *   _|/___|___\      _|_\_\
01971                      *     A                A
01972                      *
01973                      * The edge goes from vertexA--vertexB to vertexA--pNode--new_node--vertexB
01974                      */
01976                     // Move original node and change to non-boundary node
01977                     pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection - 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
01978                     pNode->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
01980                     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_location = intersection + 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
01982                     // Add new node which will always be a boundary node
01983                     unsigned new_node_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, true, new_node_location[0], new_node_location[1]));
01985                     // Add the moved nodes to the element (this also updates the node)
01986                     this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
01987                     this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, pNode);
01989                     // Add the new nodes to the original elements containing pNode (this also updates the node)
01990                     if (next_node_1 == previous_node_2)
01991                     {
01992                         p_element_intersection_1->AddNode((local_index_1 + p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes()), this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
01993                     }
01994                     else
01995                     {
01996                         assert(next_node_2 == previous_node_1);
01998                         p_element_intersection_2->AddNode((local_index_2 + p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes()), this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
01999                     }
02001                     // Check the nodes are updated correctly
02002                     assert(pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 3);
02003                     assert(this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
02004                 }
02005                 else if (num_common_vertices == 2)
02006                 {
02007                     /*
02008                      *  From          To
02009                      *   _ B              _ B
02010                      *    |<---          |
02011                      *    | /|\          |\
02012                      *    |/ | \         | \
02013                      *    |  |  \        |\ \
02014                      *   _|__|___\      _|_\_\
02015                      *     A              A
02016                      *
02017                      * The edge goes from vertexA--vertexB to vertexA--pNode--new_node--vertexB
02018                      * then vertexA is removed
02019                      */
02021                     // Move original node and change to non-boundary node
02022                     pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection - 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
02023                     pNode->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
02025                      c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_location = intersection + 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
02027                     // Add new node which will always be a boundary node
02028                     unsigned new_node_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, true, new_node_location[0], new_node_location[1]));
02030                     // Add the moved nodes to the element (this also updates the node)
02031                     this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02032                     this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, pNode);
02034                     // Add the new nodes to the original elements containing pNode (this also updates the node)
02035                     if (next_node_1 == previous_node_2)
02036                     {
02037                         p_element_intersection_1->AddNode((local_index_1 + p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes()), this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02038                     }
02039                     else
02040                     {
02041                         assert(next_node_2 == previous_node_1);
02043                         p_element_intersection_2->AddNode((local_index_2 + p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes()), this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02044                     }
02046                     // Remove VertexA from the mesh
02047                     p_element_common_1->DeleteNode(p_element_common_1->GetNodeLocalIndex(vertexA_index));
02048                     p_element_common_2->DeleteNode(p_element_common_2->GetNodeLocalIndex(vertexA_index));
02050                     assert(this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->GetNumContainingElements()==0);
02052                     this->mNodes[vertexA_index]->MarkAsDeleted();
02053                     mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(vertexA_index);
02055                     // Check the nodes are updated correctly
02056                     assert(pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 3);
02057                     assert(this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
02058                 }
02059                 else
02060                 {
02061                     // This can't happen as nodes can't be on the internal edge of 2 elements.
02062                     NEVER_REACHED;
02063                 }
02065             }
02066             else if (next_node_1 == vertexB_index || previous_node_1 == vertexB_index || next_node_2 == vertexB_index || previous_node_2 == vertexB_index)
02067             {
02068                 // Get elements containing vertexB_index (the Common vertex)
02070                 assert(this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->GetNumContainingElements()>1);
02072                 std::set<unsigned> elements_containing_vertex_B = this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->rGetContainingElementIndices();
02073                 std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator iter = elements_containing_vertex_B.begin();
02074                 VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_common_1 = this->GetElement(*iter);
02075                 iter++;
02076                 VertexElement<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element_common_2 = this->GetElement(*iter);
02078                 // Calculate the number of common vertices between element_1 and element_2
02079                 unsigned num_common_vertices = 0;
02080                 for (unsigned i=0; i<p_element_common_1->GetNumNodes(); i++)
02081                 {
02082                     for (unsigned j=0; j<p_element_common_2->GetNumNodes(); j++)
02083                     {
02084                         if (p_element_common_1->GetNodeGlobalIndex(i)==p_element_common_2->GetNodeGlobalIndex(j))
02085                         {
02086                             num_common_vertices++;
02087                         }
02088                     }
02089                 }
02091                 if (num_common_vertices == 1 || this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->GetNumContainingElements() > 2)
02092                 {
02093                     /*
02094                      *  From          To
02095                      *   _B_________      _B____
02096                      *    |\   |   /       | / /
02097                      *    | \  |  /        |/ /
02098                      *    |  \ | /         | /
02099                      *    |   \|/          |/
02100                      *   _|   <---        _|
02101                      *    A
02102                      *
02103                      * The edge goes from vertexA--vertexB to vertexA--new_node--pNode--vertexB
02104                      */
02106                     // Move original node and change to non-boundary node
02107                     pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection + 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
02108                     pNode->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
02110                      c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_location = intersection - 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
02112                     // Add new node which will always be a boundary node
02113                     unsigned new_node_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, true, new_node_location[0], new_node_location[1]));
02115                     // Add the moved nodes to the element (this also updates the node)
02116                     this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, pNode);
02117                     this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02119                     // Add the new nodes to the original elements containing pNode (this also updates the node)
02120                     if (next_node_1 == previous_node_2)
02121                     {
02122                         p_element_intersection_2->AddNode(local_index_2, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02123                     }
02124                     else
02125                     {
02126                         assert(next_node_2 == previous_node_1);
02128                         p_element_intersection_1->AddNode(local_index_1, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02129                     }
02131                     // Check the nodes are updated correctly
02132                     assert(pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 3);
02133                     assert(this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
02134                 }
02135                 else if (num_common_vertices == 2)
02136                 {
02137                     /*
02138                      *  From          To
02139                      *   _B_______      _B____
02140                      *    |  |   /       | / /
02141                      *    |  |  /        |/ /
02142                      *    |\ | /         | /
02143                      *    | \|/          |/
02144                      *   _| <---        _|
02145                      *    A
02146                      *
02147                      * The edge goes from vertexA--vertexB to vertexA--new_node--pNode--vertexB
02148                      * then vertexB is removed
02149                      */
02151                     // Move original node and change to non-boundary node
02152                     pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection + 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
02153                     pNode->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
02155                     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_location = intersection - 0.5*mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
02157                     // Add new node which will always be a boundary node
02158                     unsigned new_node_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, true, new_node_location[0], new_node_location[1]));
02160                     // Add the moved nodes to the element (this also updates the node)
02161                     this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, pNode);
02162                     this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02164                     // Add the new nodes to the original elements containing pNode (this also updates the node)
02165                     if (next_node_1 == previous_node_2)
02166                     {
02167                         p_element_intersection_2->AddNode(local_index_2, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02168                     }
02169                     else
02170                     {
02171                         assert(next_node_2 == previous_node_1);
02173                         p_element_intersection_1->AddNode(local_index_1, this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]);
02174                     }
02176                     // Remove VertexB from the mesh
02177                     p_element_common_1->DeleteNode(p_element_common_1->GetNodeLocalIndex(vertexB_index));
02178                     p_element_common_2->DeleteNode(p_element_common_2->GetNodeLocalIndex(vertexB_index));
02180                     assert(this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->GetNumContainingElements()==0);
02182                     this->mNodes[vertexB_index]->MarkAsDeleted();
02183                     mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(vertexB_index);
02185                     // Check the nodes are updated correctly
02186                     assert(pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 3);
02187                     assert(this->mNodes[new_node_global_index]->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
02188                 }
02189                 else
02190                 {
02191                     // This can't happen as nodes can't be on the internal edge of 2 elements.
02192                     NEVER_REACHED;
02193                 }
02194             }
02195             else
02196             {
02197                 /*
02198                  *  From          To
02199                  *   _____         _______
02200                  *                  / | \
02201                  *    /|\   ^      /  |  \
02202                  *   / | \  |
02203                  *
02204                  * The edge goes from vertexA--vertexB to vertexA--new_node_1--pNode--new_node_2--vertexB
02205                  */
02207                 // Move original node and change to non-boundary node
02208                 pNode->rGetModifiableLocation() = intersection;
02209                 pNode->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
02211                 c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_1_location = intersection - mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
02212                 c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_node_2_location = intersection + mCellRearrangementRatio*mCellRearrangementThreshold*edge_ab_unit_vector;
02214                 // Add new nodes which will always be boundary nodes
02215                 unsigned new_node_1_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, true, new_node_1_location[0], new_node_1_location[1]));
02216                 unsigned new_node_2_global_index = this->AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, true, new_node_2_location[0], new_node_2_location[1]));
02218                 // Add the moved and new nodes to the element (this also updates the node)
02219                 this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, this->mNodes[new_node_2_global_index]);
02220                 this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, pNode);
02221                 this->GetElement(elementIndex)->AddNode(node_A_local_index, this->mNodes[new_node_1_global_index]);
02223                 // Add the new nodes to the original elements containing pNode (this also updates the node)
02224                 if (next_node_1 == previous_node_2)
02225                 {
02226                     p_element_intersection_1->AddNode((local_index_1 + p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_intersection_1->GetNumNodes()), this->mNodes[new_node_2_global_index]);
02227                     p_element_intersection_2->AddNode(local_index_2, this->mNodes[new_node_1_global_index]);
02228                 }
02229                 else
02230                 {
02231                     assert(next_node_2 == previous_node_1);
02233                     p_element_intersection_1->AddNode(local_index_1, this->mNodes[new_node_1_global_index]);
02234                     p_element_intersection_2->AddNode((local_index_2 + p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes() - 1)%(p_element_intersection_2->GetNumNodes()), this->mNodes[new_node_2_global_index]);
02235                 }
02237                 // Check the nodes are updated correctly
02238                 assert(pNode->GetNumContainingElements() == 3);
02239                 assert(this->mNodes[new_node_1_global_index]->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
02240                 assert(this->mNodes[new_node_2_global_index]->GetNumContainingElements() == 2);
02241             }
02242         }
02243     }
02244     else
02245     {
02246         EXCEPTION("Trying to merge a node, contained in more than 2 elements, into another element, this is not possible with the vertex mesh.");
02247     }
02248 }
02250 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
02251 void MutableVertexMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::PerformVoidRemoval(Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeA, Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeB, Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNodeC)
02252 {
02253     unsigned nodeA_index = pNodeA->GetIndex();
02254     unsigned nodeB_index = pNodeB->GetIndex();
02255     unsigned nodeC_index = pNodeC->GetIndex();
02257     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> nodes_midpoint = pNodeA->rGetLocation() + this->GetVectorFromAtoB(pNodeA->rGetLocation(), pNodeB->rGetLocation())/3.0
02258                                                                         + this->GetVectorFromAtoB(pNodeA->rGetLocation(), pNodeC->rGetLocation())/3.0;
02260     Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_low_node_A_B = (nodeA_index < nodeB_index) ? pNodeA : pNodeB; // Node with the lowest index out of A and B
02261     Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_low_node = (p_low_node_A_B->GetIndex() < nodeC_index) ? p_low_node_A_B : pNodeC; // Node with the lowest index out of A, B and C.
02262     PerformNodeMerge(pNodeA,pNodeB);
02263     PerformNodeMerge(p_low_node_A_B,pNodeC);
02265     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM>& r_low_node_location = p_low_node->rGetModifiableLocation();
02267     r_low_node_location = nodes_midpoint;
02269     // Sort out boundary nodes
02270     p_low_node->SetAsBoundaryNode(false);
02272     // Remove the deleted nodes and re-index
02273     RemoveDeletedNodes();
02274 }
02278 // Explicit instantiation
02281 template class MutableVertexMesh<1,1>;
02282 template class MutableVertexMesh<1,2>;
02283 template class MutableVertexMesh<1,3>;
02284 template class MutableVertexMesh<2,2>;
02285 template class MutableVertexMesh<2,3>;
02286 template class MutableVertexMesh<3,3>;
02289 // Serialization for Boost >= 1.36
02290 #include "SerializationExportWrapperForCpp.hpp"

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